This is for all the artists out there who are so clogged up with reality that they cannot seem to tap into their imagination. Don't be afraid to breath life into that creative child within. The one that was told to grow up and put away the crayons and markers cause you're a big boy or girl now. It's sad really because we need to keep some part of our inner child alive within us. The creative wild child that would try anything just for the sake of doing something different and whimsical. That child helps us to create and imagine. I spent time with my friend Jennifer today who just started painting about three years ago. I have been drawing almost all my life. No one taught me but God. My parents didn't have money to get me art lessons and I'm okay with that now. I have forgiven them and thanked them for not sending me. My spirit has taught me what art school could never. It has caused me to tap into something so special. Something that I could not get in art school. Freedom to be me and do what it is that I do. I'm amazed when I look at Jennifer's art. It's free, loose and colorful. she is free to do her thing! There are no rules for her to follow and therefore her art is delicious and tasty with her own brand of seasonings that she brings to it. I'm proud of her. She asked me," Do you think I should take a class?' I told her I am all for the class. I love learning and the process of learning. However, don't let the rules hold you down. Use them, but always do your own thing. Remember when there was no one around and you painted and drew what made you feel good? When you were proud of what you did and you didn't care whether anyone else liked it or not? I will say to you who are reading this entry, be and do what you do best. Be true to yourself and the craft and gift that you have been given. Stop measuring yourself by others and accept your brand of expression. Don't throw out your dreams and imagination. Dig them up again. Be free to be your creative self. Make your mark and see where it takes you my friend.
Be Blessed,
I am inspired to be and do the thing that I do best. Thank you for those words of encouragement. I feel motivated to do something and not just feel good about myself.
What a great message, Vanessa! I am taking a class this month on abstract painting in acrylics, and although there are rules, it gives me that same childhood sense of freedom. A
Vanessa, you gave your friend good advice. I have tried to forget some things I've been taught, just to know what I'm creating is genuine.
Now, about those dustpan fairies....are they the ones who have been blowing big balls of dust around my studio??
This is so true, but it seems like as I live my life, I seem to forget this advice. It's always good to hear it again - thanks for the inspiration!
Fun Fun illo!
I just love you and your posts (even though I just found you the other day!) Thanks for the inspiration...I feel insecure at times too because I feel like I need lots of training, but you are right, sometimes it's a good thing to not know the rules, so you don't have to follow them if you don't want to!
Oh noooooo! They may be dust fairies, but they're too cute to end up in the trash. Please give them a good home! :)
Your words are so passionate and true. Amen to that. Where were you when I needed you 20 years ago! When I was in college, I took one art class. I always enjoyed art. But I wasn't bold enough for the professor, apparently. He liked strong lines and saturated colors, and my style was too timid. I was too sensitive to his critiques, and I received a less-than-stellar grade. I was so dejected that I lost interest in drawing and didn't pick it up again until about a year ago. Even now, I often feel deeply humbled when I see all the talent of the IF-ers. But I have to keep reminding myself that I'm drawing for me and no one else. I draw to express my feelings or preserve a memory. Thank you, my friend, for that important reminder.
i have lots of dust in my house - i was going to clear it up but i think the fairies are sleeping just now so i'll leave it a while and do some art!!
Lovely illustration x
Something told me to look at your blog today. I have been sidetracked lately and really questionning my illustrations. Thank you, for your voice.
Nice to meet your work and words, so true, i`m in the middle of that, and always try to remember that i must have fun with my draw, paintings, dolls, etc, thanks :)
Really fun piece... your work is so full of life!
Wonderful illustration! Love your work... love the words, too!
cute illustration and inspiring sentiment.
This is so true. Thank you for this post. We all need to be reminded from time to time what art truly is.
what a truly beautiful and inspiring post! i am in agreement with you as well about art classes or more particularly the teachers. we all suffer from burn-out or a creative block now and then, but it is so unfortunate when that happens with an art teacher. Art should be joyful and expressive, a way for the artist to express their feelings and fews on the world, and not those of the teacher. As an adult, when I take a creative course, I go in with an open mind and become focused on learning the technique only - that way my artist slant is still my own.
Again, wonderful post and sweet, complimenting art!
Thanks for your inspiration! You're so right. Staying a child within is not only very useful for our profession, but fun!! What would the world be if we didn't goof off anymore :-)
Well it looks like we took our lessons from the same teacher!
Your message fills my heart Vanessa. It's so nice to hear your story.
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