New Book

New Book
Grandma's Purse

Saturday, November 21, 2009


This is an illustrations from my new book, "Let Freedom Sing."
Music is a very large part of my life. I am both a singer and musician.
Music is such a powerful tool for artist. It can move you in so many
ways. It can create a mood for a story or illustration. Yes, music even
has charms to soothe the savage beast of illustration and inspirational
blockages! So the very next time you feel artistic constipation with inspirational
irregularity, take two music laxatives and call me in the morning.
Tootles! he he he!
Have a good one People!


Grethic said...

Love it, what a happy crowd!

Melinda Stanley said...

I love this, Vanessa! Beautiful artwork, as always! ;) I'm going to get a copy (or two) in the next couple of weeks. I have a cousin in Michigan who would really enjoy this!

Ginger*:) said...

This is absolutely fantastic. I can not only feel the joy I can almost hear it. Your banner is wonderful as well!

Roma Gutiérrez said...

Lovely!! I like their expressions so much ;)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

ROFLMAO!!! Artistic constipation!!!! Oh yeah---been there, not done that! You are to funny Vanessa! I cannot top this one; this is a quote to be framed!!! LOL!
And I love the illustration too!
I miss playing my bass--hands awon't do it anymore. Life without music is, well, not life. I so enjoyed plugging it in and banging away until everything in my body and head and heart was right and then could go was understand that---yes?

Anne....who needs a big dose....

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Ah, Vanessa, thanks!!! Sometimes I miss my bass so much I could cry. I should figure out a way to do a small series about it. Though I played punk, as Lord knows I don't have the skill for Jazz bass, I always felt connected with New Orleans when the music flowed. It was medicinal!
I have to admit I will turn it on, minimize the page and crank up the volume! I would like to put some more of the old, real jazz (Bee Bop, Miles, Dizzy, etc.) but I'm afraid it might frighten people off. You have to THINK to love know?
You made MY day girl! Grazie!!!


illustration poetry said...

yes! i completely AGREE with you vanessa!

rmsmi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rmsmi said...

Hey, I recognize this! Nice illustration! I have a drum kit set up behind me that's great for just those situations you mentioned.

froggie is... said...

heyyyy, girlie! you resurfaced! "))) looks like you and i are working the same hours, too...i had a feeling - if i'm this busy, then vbn is too! ")) i did a few for nat geo, (hee, hee - maybe our pages will be next to each other in the phonics book!) and yep, the work is piling up now...need a break soon, some comfort food! ")

has LET FREEDOM SING come out yet? where can i get it? wannna get it! it really is like stepping back in time, this book, your ezra keats meets old school disney, and then they have lunch with eric carle and YOU. it's such a fantastic style. ")

and your harem girl, in her blur? omgoodness! fab job on the costume, those whites and the sheerness of it are just perfect!

thanks so much for the hops over to me, vbn! take care, girlie! :)

Mechelle said...

Vanessa this image looks like a glimpse of what heaven will look like! Thanks for the being so uplifting.


super lovely, vanessa!!

Steve Cozart said...

You left a very positive comment on my blog, and after viewing your work, I am truly humbled by it.
Thank you very much.
Steve Cozart

Aima Kessy said...

Hello Vanessa~!! Agree with your post...such a lovely illustration!! Missed your updates...glad to be back! :D Hee hee~~ Have a super weekend luv ;)

serline said...

I want to sing along with them too!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Beautiful as per usual, Momma. I've got to get started on my illustration. Bogged down with clerical work for a client right now. Hope to finish all that today so I can get back to what I love.

Love you so much for being the inspiration you are.


Lins Artyblobs said...

A very happy picture, I feel like singing along with them.

Shell said...

You sing too. Vanessa, you are truly a renaissance woman.
When I'm feeling stiff or agitated, music is my tonic.
Now, only if I could sing!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing work, I love your style!

Indigene said...

This is beautiful! It would be so wonderful if people would all be this way! I can hear their melody! I wanna know how you got all those artistic gifts? I can't sing my way out of a paper bag! :O
This is a beautiful piece, much like its creator!

Anonymous said...

wow!!!! i love your illo - so colorful and cheerful! Makes me wanna sing with the crowd too :D

Desiree said...

Looks beautiful! Love the color and feeling in it!

CintiaYamane said...

very nice job

ArtSparker said...

Beautiful composition very joyful.

Johana Mazuera said...

Hey Vanessa! wonderful illustration as always they are very inspiring.
i love the colors you used and the simplicity in the line work.

mekənizəm said...

such wonderful work! I'm really excited to see more :)

Kelly Light said...

I luv the art- but the whole "music as laxative thing"- freakin hilarious! Now what if you have artistic diarrhea??? - ok that was gross...sorry!:)

eyecontact said...

One more admirer chiming in to congratulate your fine talents. Very lovely.

thedoodlegirl said...

That is so true! Great sentiment and wonderful illustration!

Julie Hammond said...

This piece is great. Reminds of the we are the world video!

Bella Sinclair said...

Aww, honey, you do NOT want to hear me sing. Nothing will stop you up faster than me trying to belt out a tune. Trust me!

This image, though, what an inspirational work of art! Can't wait for the book to come out so that I can add it to my Super V collection. I'm singing on the inside. Lalalalalalala

Keep your fingers crossed. If all goes as planned, I'll be drawing in my new creative space in December. Woohoo!

caren said...

Oh Vanessa!!! You made my day today. I opened my mailbox and squealed! First of all the Frenchman on the front of the envelope was darling..then I opened the package and there was your cd plus your drawings and your WONDERFUL, beautiful voice!!! I love it!!!!! And thanks for all the postcards and pin - Ashley loves all the "french". She said it reminded her of Paris that she misses so much.

I don't know how to thank you.....I can't wait for all my little ballerinas to hear your cd.....and I'll tell them that is my friend singing to them!

Your drawing on your post is fantastic and I love the way you describe a "block"

MrBibleHead said...

There is so much to say on your fabulous work. But I'm just going to put it into one word. "WOW!" Fantastic! OK 2 words. Love the variety of people. OK 7 words. You angle is amazing! OK never mind about the word limitation. Vanessa. I just love your work and this is one of my faves by you.

Janine said...

That is surely the best painting to the topic music.
it´s simply terrific.
Have a great weekend

Vera Pino said...

Ohhhh I love it!

Asja said...

gorgeous work! they look so happy!

Tomás Serrano said...

I recognize it, he, he... wonderful.

Kristen C said...

BEAUTIFUL. Love the composition, style and the overall peaceful feeling.

Ellen Byrne said...

over flowing with joy!

Peter Breese said...

Beautiful and can't wait to get my copy!!!

Curious Art said...

I love the joyful spirit in this & the lovely textures...

Unknown said...

oh wow Vanessaaaaaaaaaaa!!! something comes over me when I see strong and so are so talented and I am so very happy that I can share in your creative journey!!!


Heather said...

A perfect topic word for your book. I like the diagonal in this one and how happy the people look. (But then your drawings often explode with joy--and you bring so much joy with you even through cyberspace.)

illustration poetry said...

:)) thank you so much Vanessa, i always enjoy your visits.

have a musical day ok!


Shirley said...

Vanessa - this is glorious, and your book has gotten amazing reviews. I've got a question for you - so I will send an email to you in the morn, as I see it's late..hope you have been well!

Mónica said...

Wooo, Vanessa! amazing and lovely illustrattion. Congrats for your beautiful work. Have a nice monday.
Hugs and kind regards

i like very much your style and characters.

Francisco Martins said...

Hi V!
Such wonderful and mesmerizing work! I can almost hear them singing!!!
You really are a complete artist, everything you put your heart to comes out just amazing!

Kiss ***


Dream Painter said...

it is so true, I strongly agree with you. Singing people in this piece are so lovely! Great drawing as well!

Debra Keirce said...

Vanessa! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Always such a pleasure to hear from you!! I know you are one busy, busy lady. I hope you new book is flying off the shelves! The previews you've given us are just awesome!

Charmaine D'Silva said...

Lovely as usual V! The diversity in this piece is amazing...where and when is the book available?

xoxo Charm

Dot said...

Wonderful work!
You have such a gift with expressions... Sorry it's been ages since I've stopped by, but i'm loving seeing all your recent stuff!


Paola De Gaudio said...

I agree with you, and this beautiful illustration has all the power of music in it!

AKIRA. said...

Hey, I´ve found you in another blog comment.
And your works are fantastic! Good cartoons, character, colors and composition. Superb!
Well, that´s it.
when you got some time, please, visit my blog too:D
peace and luck from a friend from Brazil :)

Mônica said...

Gorgeous work, Vanessa, such a beautiful spread, so full of joy and good will!

valerie walsh said...

haha! beautiful and so very, very true!!! your characters have a signature look and they are so appealing :)

get zapped said...

Their souls shine through as they sing from their hearts. Splendid!

Nina Seven N7 said...

awesome, v! your book looks fantastic!

donny* said...

of course i love this! wonderful illustration. thanks so much for the wishes. who says you can't shoot for the food coma? go for it! hahaha. hope you and your family have a wonderful turkey day.

Jmontiel said...

Beautiful work!!

C.B. Canga said...

well done my friend.

Tony Sarrecchia said...

Wow! What a beautiful piece. I can hear them singing!

michael robertson said...

I totally get what you're saying about the music thing, Vanessa! gets me through so many things. I often feel if I weren't an artist, I'd be a musician -the only problem is I can't sing or play an instrument...I guess you gotta work with what you got! You are so blessed to be able to do both.

Amazingly beautiful illustration, as always. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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Pencil Pocket said...

Super gorgeous!

Bella Sinclair said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Super V, my sisterfriend. Your kitchen it HOT, and so are you. I am so very thankful for you and your beautiful friendship and indomitable spirit and cheer. I hope you and your lovely family stuff yourselves silly and laugh, laugh, laugh. I love you!

Roger Simó said...

Nice work, as always!

illustration poetry said...

just want to say: have a lovely weekend, Vanessa! :))

Sabbio said...

I love the composition and harmony feeling that comes from this illustration!

Owl Eng said...

this is gorgeous! very festive and heart warming! i want to join though i can't sing ;p

Ces Adorio said...

Ms. V you made the perfect music! How are you sweetness?

Andrew W. Moir said...

Very nice work! I admire how much variety you put into the different people. Good composition too with doing it on an angle. :)

Kay Aker said...

I love your book so much! Inspirational and jazzy! I'll have to write a review on Amazon.

justdoodleit said...

What a joyous bunch of people. I'm joining the choir to hum the tunes :)

Lydia Schultz said...

I am a school librarian and just love this book and its illustrations. We plan on using it as part of learning for MLK day next month. If you could send me any information for Kindergarten to second graders about your process--what you chose to include, why you illustrated it as you did, etc.--it would be wonderful.

I will also be writing a review of your book (once I have my lesson plan for it more fully sketched out) for my review site:

Thanks for writing and illustration such a wonderful book!