Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stuff Laying Around

Back to Fashion and design.

These chicks are on the hunt for kill and a steal.

A character study "The Girl Who Heard Color"

Hey Friends,
There is so much that has been going.
Weddings and funerals and then I fell down
and really got all banged up! I am all bandaged up
at this point and getting some rest.
Thanks so much for coming by and leaving
such kind comments and messages. Please know
that I appreciate you for doing so. Take care of
yourself and I promise I will return to visit each
and every single one of you beautiful souls.
Be blessed be creative.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

At My Desk

Hello Blogger Friends and Family.
It's been a while I know. Please forgive
me for not responding to all of your comments.
I lost my Grammy and I have been working
on projects. It's been super busy, but I wanted
you all to know that I am thinking of you all
and I will be back to play as soon as I finish all
my homework and life chores. Sending you
much creative energy and positive thoughts.