Monday, February 27, 2012

The Best Kind of Oreo

The best part of life is having good friends and good friends that
become family, is even better.
My sister Coy and I always wanted a baby brother.
My Mom gave birth to a stillborn baby boy.
We named him Allan. Allan would have been
35. No one will ever take Allan's place, but
we have been blessed to have a wonderful
addition to our family. He came when we
where all in our 40's. He was raised by his own
wonderful family. Now adopted by us,
we get to have him as our very own brother.
This is the best kind of Oreo!
Love you guys

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Just Passing Through

Hello Wonderful people! I know it's been a super long time.
I have been working and not doing much blogging at all.
Just came through to remove the cobwebs and put up
something new. Sending all of you a BIG 'OL SLOPPY hug
until I get back. Hugs all around!
Peace out,