New Book

New Book
Grandma's Purse

Friday, November 2, 2012

If's "Shy"


Eric Barclay said...

I love it!

Jill said...

Love the bits of collage, the soft pink background, the adorable little girl, and the flower used to dot the letter 'I". So delightful.

Jenn Bower said...

Charming, indeed, sister-friend. Love the colors, shapes and quintessential cuteness. This one makes me smile. I love how your brain works. :)

Mechelle said...

Hey, it has been sometime since I have visited your blog. I hope you are doing well after that bad storm.

Morph Waffle said...

This is so adorable! Love the letters!

Bella Sinclair said...

She is a Super Duper Mega Charmer! Charmed me right out of my grumps, I tell ya. Have a beautiful and wonderful weekend, my lovely V! xoxoxo

rachel awes said...


Ces Adorio said...
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Ces Adorio said...

Gah! Misspelling! Sorry about that.

I have such a wicked mind, see? I have to change my comment now. Hahahaha!

She is adorable Vee and your illustrations are pure charmers. Tsup!

Happy weekend. Oh Vee!! Look what's happening to our beloved New Jersey! :(

Ces Adorio said...

I love New Jersey. It truly is a Garden State. Friends and family still live there. I don't think there ever was a hurricane when I lived in New Jersey. I always worried about them in Florida and Texas where my husband and his parents then lived, and of course the other Gulf States. Every year we prepare for it. Our disaster teams are in place days before landfall. We have learned so many lessons from past hurricanes and tropical storms one of which shut down our hospital with flooding. We literally had medical technologists swimming in the basements towards the exit when the basement was filled with water. We transferred over 200 patients to other hospitals without incidents, carrying them in beds down the stairs from twelve floors. There is always loss of lives, homes and properties. Hurricanes are devastating and humbling. They can also break human spirits if allowed. I think that is why Filipinos have a fatalistic and superstitious attitude with an uncanny sense of humor about most things because every year they rebuild and then get destroyed and rebuild again. Filipinos make a joke while fleeing to safety as their homes get engulfed by water or blown away by the wind. But this is America. We have massive structures, big buildings, first world technology and superb mass transit, all of which could not withstand the force of nature. It is very difficult for us to see that in New Jersey and New York and especially NYC. The weather added insult to injury. Last night my sister went home after a long shift at the hospital to a cold apartment. The power was out again and she slept in 30-degree temperature. The storm is a very difficult and painful lesson but I believe our sisters and brothers will survive. Americans, are the world's default rescuers and always ready to help others. The storm can destroy property but they cannot let it break their will and spirit. It's easy for me to say but I personally know it is painful. Sending love to you and your family, dearest Vee. Tsup!

yoborobo said...

Well, Milly has charmed the socks off of me and now my feet are cold - hahaha. So adorable, warm and full of love. Your art rocks! xox

Sandra Evertson said...


Thoughts for the day said...

SO love it, just delightful.

k.h.whitaker said...

VEEE!!!!! I love this! How are you darling? I miss you so. That bear is super adorable and I love the lettering. Glad to see you coming up for air sweetie. Take care. XOXOXO

kj said...

is she 'tickling' him from behind? :^)

you draw such a range of good relationships, vee. must come from your own good heart!


thepickledlemon said...

I love this!!! So creative/adorable!!!

Michaele Razi said...

So wonderful! This warms my heart!

salli s. swindell said...

sweetness times a million!!! that is a deluxe little pink quilted vest! do you have one to match?!! I like Rachel's comment "melt"!

Armande said...

trés jolie illustration !!

theartofpuro said...

Love it!Perfect fonts and illo:)

Lisa M Griffin said...

LOVing your bear. He is just huggable! Hope you are doing well and keeping busy.... especially as we head into my favorite time of year, the holidays! :)

pauline said...

Beautiful!! i found you via IF. Your lettering is gorgeous, as are your illustrations! I'll be back. xox

Kay Aker said...


Patrick Wirbeleit said...

You need to find a story for these cuties! Or is there already one? I would love to read it!

Lénárt Lívia said...
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Lénárt Lívia said...

Hello I really like your work. I'm drawing again, since I follow your blog.
Thank you!