Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gretty Sightings

Here is Ms. Gretty Primbleton finished.  We may see her from time to time with her companion and friend Pup.   I'm looking forward to doing a short little narrative on Gretty in the up coming months.


  1. Hi Vanessa, thanks for getting in touch! I really like your work, too! Really lovely sense of line and texture, and I love the retro whimsical look you get (yeah, I'm another one who think Mary Blair rocks). ;-)

    Good luck with your work! I'm just off to look up what a phlebotomist does...
    Sarah x

  2. Ooh, I just found out! You must get a lot of vampire jokes. ;-)

  3. Hi Cute Stuff- Your blog is awesome. I really like the retro feel. Though I was somewhat perturbed (sp?) by the fact that my most favorite picture of yours (the little boy playing the cello) wasn't on it. Everytime I see your collages I just get excited. They've got that retro feel about them, but at the same time, something really fresh. Five bucks says you get the Caldecott if you do a book using this technique :o) I wouldn't recommend Cat-Dog thought, wheeeez!
    Love you a million moons and stars.
    PS: man those cupcakes, is there anything you won't do?

  4. Very pretty lady, that Gretty. I love her hair!


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