Friday, August 8, 2008

IF's Word of the Week "SAIL"

This is my second illustration I've done for IF. I call it "Sailing off into Space" It was done in Corel X.


  1. Your work is so fun.
    I recognise some of from Watercolor Wednesdays.
    Really nice blog too!

  2. What a great illo! the colors and the action is so fun.

  3. Very cool drawing. I love the style -it reminds me of old cereal boxes and ads from the fifties.

  4. I agree with Steve. There is something retro and very cool about your drawings. I love your little children. They're so expressive. Great illo!

  5. This is great, I like the color scale and interpretation, Really nice illustration.

  6. this is awesome! great drawing anf space theme - love it.

  7. You are good! I love this piece.
    Very nice concept also!

    Drawing on a computer is not easy except for the erasing and undo features... you did an excellent job, one more feather for your hat of styles. Have a great week end. :)

  8. this is fabulous! so glad to find your work; i love your illustration style!

  9. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog page. I so look forward to visiting your sites as well. I do mean each and everyone of you. I'm blogging so much now my butt hurts, but I truly do look forward to what everyone is doing. It's great inspiration, encouragement and lots of laughs too! Have a wonderful and creative week!
    Vanessa aka Enda Mole

  10. Oh, I want to join in the fun! This is just charming!!! It's so nice to see your work.


  11. They look like they're having a jamming time! Cool and different illo!

  12. what a lovely and fun illo! i love your limited use of color and the colors you chose! fun!!!

  13. This is brilliant and really fun!

  14. Lovely illo! Great colors and linework

  15. This is amazing! I love it! The style seems very retro and it's fun and just adorable! If you don't mind I will be adding you to my blogs of interest.

  16. so beautiful illo again. (i'm a fun of paintings with moon...) and love so much the white lines here. great choice!

  17. OoooOooh!
    It´s a super nice illustration, and very stylish too!


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