Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hot Chocolate

Good to the last drop it was! I just purchased some Hot Cocoa Mix
from my local food market and let me tell you it was wonderful!!!
It was imported from France. I tell you this stuff is magic! It's smooth,
rich and creamy and I think I'm addicted. However... the packaging wasn't
so special. I love packaging! Most of all the packaging from
the 50's, 60's and 70's! Of course because I'm an artist. We sometimes
by with our eyes first. I created this little label to put on the outside of the can.
Instant magic I call it. Mamma needs a little lift! Hope I made you smile today!
Have a most magical day my friends!


  1. That's wonderful! Oh yum french chocolate~

  2. Id love to buy a tin of hot chocolate with your label on, Its looks very ooh la la! Have a nice day love Jane xx

  3. I really like this illustration.
    when I go MacDonald, I always order HOT CHOCOLATE:)

  4. Love fact, I may go make some right now! And Tyler better quit threatening me with Nutra Kid like that or I will have to sick Sasha on him...or maybe you can sick Sasha on him for me...I did feel sorry for the kid but not anymore! LOL...hehehehe..

    (((smiles and hugs)))

  5. Cool retro, yet so distinctly yours! Great style, great label design!

  6. Oh, I love this illustration! It reminds me of old ads, very nice drawing!

  7. you ALWAYS make me smile! missed you lately. how've you been?

  8. It's beautiful. Now, I think I need some hot chocolate on this cold day.

  9. Your designs are really beautiful and sweet (chocolate!). I think that children will love them and make them dream! I really like the picture of that child who looks at the huge drink! Not he will never to drink it all!


  10. yep you made me smile. Love it!

  11. You have convinced me to get off this chair and drag myself to make me some pick-me-up hot chocolate.



  12. Oh, it's lovely. It's *almost* as good as a real cup of hot chocolate!

  13. Hot chocolate and your work, they both make a day better!

    Great idea, doing your own labels! I wish my cupboards were full of things like this.

    Thanks for all your inspirational comments.

  14. that is awesome...I love the idea of making your own packaging and I too buy with my eyes first....

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!


  15. Suddenly, the hot chocolate in my cupboard isn't good enough. I need THAT hot chocolate. YOUR hot chocolate. Man, if that hot chocolate company saw this, they'd hire you and their hot chocolate would be FLYING off the shelves! Better yet, girl, you should market your own!

  16. Hi, Vanessa! Yes, you made me smile! That label is enticing . . . makes me want to buy your hot chocolate!

  17. I got some chocolate peppermint for Christmas in the most darling old fashion can. I repurposed the can into a sugar jar is so lovely and it matches my kitchen colors...hehehehe

  18. think you should send them an "alternative" design!! like the cosy retro feel of it

  19. Quite wonderful, yes, the wrapping is important.

  20. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your lovely comments!. I'll be visiting your blog again because it's so cute and inspiring.
    Thank again and hope you have a great day! :)

  21. Oh lala! Paris! thank you my friend you are so lovely!
    i love this chocolate tin! hope to see more dolls here! :O)

  22. I'm CRAZY over packaging from the 50s, 60s, and 70s as well...maybe thats why I love this piece of yours! This needs to be a would be so cute if it hangs in the kitchen!

    oh and I love hot chocolate as well...imported from france...oh la la indeed :-)


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