Friday, February 27, 2009


Each night Issy would take out her favorite hair magazine and pray for
luxuriously long fabulous hair that was "Breezy" and easy just like the girl in the
magazine ad. Issy had an aunt Nessa who was bald and she prayed for her too.
he he he!


  1. Wavy and breezy is nice...
    but her smile is even better!
    Absolutely adorable - have a great week-end :-)

  2. Oh god i wish for pretty breezy AD hair even now! haha :D

    Lovely as always!

  3. Lovely one, really funny and beautiful work!

  4. i love the way you draw hair! thanks for your comment!!

  5. Little darlin'! It's like watching those ads on TV - girls with hair that dances and shines and flips and flops so impossibly beautifully! Deliciously lovely illo, Vanessa!

  6. Simple clean and bang on, I like your work you have a nice fresh style, oh and thanks for your comment.

  7. I have been making the same pray!hehehe!
    Bellissimo, Vanessa!

  8. oh what fun Vanessa!!! lovely adorable!!

  9. What a totally cute illustration - love it!

  10. I still dream (at night not just day dreams!) of having long breezy hair. The reality is rather different!

  11. It seems you break your record about hair with this!!!

  12. The girl who dreams of her future! Very nice. I also like the very cute boys with glasses, but the better the picture in red: Ahhhh, finally a Little Red Riding Hood worthy of all children! Little Red and wolf friends! This makes a beautiful fairy tale that I have always seemed a bit grim! Brava!


  13. awwwwe!!! that is sooo precious! she is a cutie patutie!

    thank for the comment on my blog but U my dear are the freakin' talented one....i so enjoy yr blog! xoxolinda

  14. I'm praying for that too. Wonderful illustration as always. You are a cool chick.

  15. that's gorgeous hair, wouldn't mind some like it myself!

  16. Adorable post. And clever. I think until we have all that flowing hair, we want it. But, it's a chore to care for! With that said, I hope she gets her wish :)

  17. so lovely! i wish i would have a breezy hair too :)

    thank you for kind words Vanessa, i answered you if you would like to read... have a nice weekend!

  18. Lovely!
    I really like the text that goes with it. The image and words compliment each other very well. Nice job!

  19. Hi Vanessa,your illustrations are wonderful. I look at your pictures daily and always see a refreshing picture that touches the kid at heart in me. I have been looking for an email address for you so I can dialogue with you regarding digital illustration. Let me know how you can be contacted. Have a great day.

  20. I know I have said it to many times to count, but I love your art, adore it in fact.


  21. Does any one really have breezy hair? In all the adds for hair products on TV the small print on screen says whoever it is's hair has hair extensions! No wonder they have breezy hair! Your illustration is sweet and I love the previous glasses one, the hair on thats great too. My other half has breezy hair its so breezy it blew away and now he's blald!!! Ha ha. Have a lovely weekend Jane xxx

  22. You have such a lovely, whimsical style! This is really a sweet illo - the interpretation and the execution:)

  23. Bonjour Vanessa! What a wonderful illustration! Your style is just great, there is not word for it! When I was a kid, I was quite the contrary! I had long thick hair and was dreaming about having very very short hair a la African American top model style! Hope you have a HAPPY weekend! Take care, LuLu

  24. This is such a great illustration. I feel her pain. I used to actually dream about it. Now, I'm going all natural. God bless all your endeavors.

  25. Hi Vanessa. Thanks for leading me to this lovely blog of yours. I just love how your illustration style tells a story.:) This one's very cute.:D

  26. WELL KIDS...if you drink "Nutra Kid"... you can have all that hair and more! hehehehehehe! Great illo! And love the kids with glasses below!

    Thanks for checking out my new farm blog! I'm still believing for matter how long it takes! I mean...I've got to get started growing vegetables for your Nutra Kid orders!! You know?

  27. My first time on your blog. I like your blog and the template. Its fabulous. Ciao.

    ~ Secret Diary

  28. I love this one Vanessa! I was born with wavy hair that had trouble braiding and my daughter has hair thin and straight and will not do anything.. we always want something else and I love that your drawing comes out with it... we can dream can't we? I have a teen who has started coloring her hair and yesterday lamented over her school photo from last year saying"mom do you remember when I was a blonde, I liked my hair better then than now." just last night.. I kid you not! this is a perfect illustration and once again you amaze me! love and happy saturday! Marianne
    I put up my daughter's latest treasury on my website come see her viewpoint if you can... she wrote a poem..

  29. How entertaining! Love your illustration AND your prose!!

  30. your work is always so imaginative and inspiring and this illustration is no exception, it's such a great response to the topic and a real visual gem!

  31. She's beautiful just the way she is.... You're always spot on every week!!

  32. This is wonderful. It reminds me of my granddaughter who has the most beautiful curly hair and prays for straight hair.

  33. Hey Vanessa...I don't have my farm no growing things's just something I feel God has put in my heart to have...but He will have to provide it!! So I started a blog to step out in faith and claim this desire in my know? So the pics on there are just what's in my head of what I want....until then, I live in no growing unless it's in pots :)

  34. Oh, that's so true. Those shampoo commercials always made me wish for long, shinny and breezy hair! :-)

  35. HA! Boy, do I wish for long, fabulous shampoo-ad-worthy hair. I remember my mom giving my perms in the 80s (my hair is stick straight), and the photos ---- ooooooh, man, are they hideous! But not this little girl. She is already cute as a button. Don't change a thing. Wonderfully fun and wistful illo. But of course. :D

  36. Lol! What's really funny is if she had it like that, she wouldn't want it! Trust me, I know, because the thought of combing my hair or my daughter's send shivers up and down my! This is a wonderful illustration! But, really, I didn't expect anything less, from..Ooh La La...:)

  37. this is such a lovely composition, I love how she looks so deep in her thoughts, this must be how I look when I am wishing my hair wasn't so frizzy!

  38. ah!! it is my dream too - i am just like the little girl always dreaming of having long black silky hair like the lady you've created here.
    Nice and beautiful as usual ;p

  39. Vanessa...I love your blog, your artwork...and that frog on your shoulder. I hopped on your follower shoulder. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I sure hope you will participate in Windows to the would be fantastic to see what you could do with the kids. Also..drop me an E-Mail...I need your permission for "Making Do"

  40. i've missed the last few weeks of your fabulous stuff. this is another one. hugs.

  41. this is awesome- I L-O-V-E your work

  42. Your illustrations are great - so lively and full of fun :)

  43. I love the way your illustrations leap off the page. You have such a gift!

  44. that's funny! great illustration

  45. I love your style. Issy's expression is absolutely beautiful :)

  46. Well who wouldn't want that gorgeous mane of hair?!? Dam those beauty mags. Hope you had a good weekend! =)

  47. He he, she has a real ham of an imagination :). Nice illo as always my friend! Hope you are well.

  48. This tells such a fantastic story! Bravo again, lady! :-)

  49. Gosh I know I keep repeating myself, but it is SUCH a pleasure to visit your blog! I can't believe your amazing talent. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your work, I need to get myself a couple of your books!

  50. Interesting story and lovely fashion go go go!
    I am the girl that actually wish for this just like your illustration here:)

  51. Love the illo and the most whimsical story that goes along with it. Your style is very cool!

  52. I love your illo's VB.

  53. Very lovely! :) Hehehe, perhaps some day she and aunt Nessa will be able to go on the town with their lovely flowing hair....the possibilities!

  54. Love this. Your style has such a life that is very positive. It brings lots of smiles

  55. The power of dreams!
    We both touched on a h-airy theme this week.
    Wonderful work as per!

  56. this is a gorgeous illustration and i love her cute innocent prayers, we're all meant to have faith like a child aren't we? Imagine how much nicer the world would be if people had faith like a child?


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