Friday, March 27, 2009


He picked her because she had poise and charm!
Okay family, I've got the "Can't Help Its" I know yall are
like, "Get your butt back to work!!!!" Okay, I'm going
in again! I'll catch you all later I promise!
Have a great weekend. Oh and by the way I had this
laying around and thought it worked for the word! he he he!
Bye now!


  1. Vanessa wonderful.

    By the way an 18 wheeler pulled into my driveway with a truck load of kisses and hugs. Was that from you?


  2. I love your illustrations Vanessa. They are just so wonderful. I come via Lulu's blog. I'll have to backtrack on your blog, but already I like it a lot. Have a great weekend.

  3. Aw, she is lovely. It is always good to take a little break .......
    Now get back to work!!!

  4. Vanessa...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a precious note! It gave me a chance to come over and meet you and your blog. I LOVE your are an awesome artist!!! Love it! Love it! Love it!

  5. its utterly sweet and is that a Tiffany box he has? I love the selection of colors the little hint of blue against the other delicious colors

  6.'ve been on my mind...oww, sista...we're two of a kind! Just a little singing for the afternoon drudge! Good to hear from you...sounds like you've been a busy little bee!! I love that you are coming out with a new book...I'll be praying for much success with it!! Have a great day..NOW GET TO WORK!!!! :)


  7. Hi Vanessa,
    Beautiful illustration as always:)

  8. Apparently, he does too :) Nice illo!

  9. Yeah! You touched base!!! So happy to have you back again, if even for a bit. Great piece, I love the gesture between the two, quite flirty.
    Have a great weekend. =)

  10. Hi Nessa I thought you were still away! I havnt popped round any blogs this week so have missed these last two posts. I was going to leave a message on your pineapple cake this weekend but just had to come by and say HI you always leave me the most lovely comments, you are truly sweetness itself just like your cake which looks absolutely delicious and I am going to try it if I can convert your measures to ours over here! When we do upside down cake in the UK we put the rings in the baking tin and put cherries in the holes then put cake mix on top and bake. Yours is much more involved and seems a lot more gooey and luscious.
    Im glad you liked the photos if you ever come visit I will take you there. When are we going to see some of the dolls you have been making? Love the book ills you have done hope it sells loads, I am hoping for some good news on mine by next week, fingers crossed. LOL Jane xxxxx

  11. This is what happens after you dangle a chocolate covered strawberry in front of your man! LOVE it, Vanessa!!! Soooo romantic and flirty. Aaaaaahhhh, love.

    Glad to see you poppping your head up to breathe every once in a while. Can't wait to see what you've got cookin'. Must be dooozy!

  12. Very very sweet. I really like the contrast, the composition and the point of view.

  13. You do faces sooo beautifully, Vanessa. I always want to pinch their adorable cheeks:) I saw that blue Tiffany box, too. Was that a hint for someone special? I hope he got it, and you, too(lol)

  14. Stay for a while Vanessa!haha Just kidding, please leave this couple behind. I promise to give it back if you draw another one. Good luck on your work and have a wonderful weekend.:)

  15. I am a Follower number 126!!!! This blog is a Wonderful!!!! I like it!!

    Congratulations fron Guatemala!!!!

    Now you´re in my blog!!! yes!


  16. Aw, they are a cute couple. Looking at them makes me smile. Thanks for coming over to my blog and all the love on my first videopost. Have a great weekend, Vanessa.

  17. It works. Today is the big day. Today I will cook the pinneaple cake. We´ll see.

  18. haha. full of energy yet again.
    it sure works for this week!

  19. wonderful! i'm glad that you took a little break from your work to post this lovely piece! thank you!

  20. Vanessa, thank you for your comment. I have always enjoyed reading your comments at Bella's. Hey you say "yall" like a Texan! I lived in New Jersey for 5 years. I love that beautiful Graden State, lots of magnificent trees. Your blog oozes with sweetness. You must laugh a lot and make people around you happy.

  21. Vanessa thank for the blessings and I hope that the Lord does bless me for a long time to come.

    And may he bless you too.



  22. Yeah, indeed poise and charming!
    Love you Vanessa, love the couple here too!!!!
    Take care, I know you are in the poise state juggling few works at a time.
    Have a adventurous weekend friend!

  23. Wonderful illustration! Your sense of humor is great!!

  24. This is wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing with us your lovely post despite your busy schedule...

    p.s. thanks for dropping by and your lovely message ;).

  25. Wow....Fantastic style.
    Great colors, lines and design.
    Greetings from Brazil.

  26. Okay, seriously, stop partying with us and get back to work! This peek-a-boo stuff is not working, either you're back or there will be h... to pay! Why do your brown people always look like rich delicious milk chocolate to me, you are a wiz with a digital brush! lol! Hugs, can wait to see you back in full swing! Holla! (Oh, yes, I did say daughter is really rolling her eyes at her out of date Mom)!

  27. Poised for love. Very wonderful as always. You rock.

  28. Great gestures--And I love the limited palette.

  29. Prices please!! I'm going to send this to the man and see if he can feel something like this for our living room. Background might have to be a deeper color but the BROWN, oh the BROWN! I'll let you back to work!

  30. Wow, I love your style!!! See you soon!

  31. Very very nice work!!!!!!!!!
    Love your style!
    Thank you so much for the comment!
    Have a nice day

  32. the brown color really worked! lovely illustration!

  33. i really like the lines and colors in this they work well together

  34. Nessa- You're the best. I love the energy in your illustrations. And the messages and stories that go with them. Can't wait to see you with a Flying Kite Award!!!

  35. oh wow, u have a beautiful sense of colour!

  36. Hey Gurlfriend, thanks for stopping by my blog and blessing me with your sweet words. Congrats. on your new book and I pray that many many copies sell! Who knows.... maybe in will make it on the Oprah's list ;)

  37. Oh my, this is divine!! I love the vintage/retro feel. And it's so full of emotion...and poise ;)

  38. Thanks for your visit in my come back can whenever you like.

  39. I feel SO very lucky to have found your blog. Your work speaks to my heart. Thank you, thank you!!

  40. Hello again, my glorious Miss V! I miss your posts, but I know you're hard at work, and the works I see here are still charged enough to bring me smiles with no end. :)

    I have a very special award for you. It means a great deal to me, and I have the honor of making you one of its very first recipients.

  41. This is simply gorgeous-- so graceful and breezy!
    i love it.

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