Monday, May 11, 2009

It's On Now!

Aw shoot it's on now! All heck just broke loose!!!! I would just love to hear what YOU all
have to say about this one! Hee, hee, hee!
Have a great week.


  1. Vanessa,
    Let have a great celebration fro being set free, that the way I chose from the reflection from the picture.

    Have a lovely day,

  2. I think some kind of fun is being had!

  3. Oh yeah, baby, bring it ON! You wanna piece of me? Well, do ya? That there's a lot of string to get tangled up in, but something tells me the little puppets know a thing or two about good knots. This is going to get mighty ugly!

  4. Some kind of performance is going on there... but out of sudden, there comes a big spark out of short-circuited stage light!! this definitely becomes the peak of the entire performance...heeheehee

  5. Looks like Chuckie got loose. Yikes, scary fun.

  6. holy action Vanessa!!! Bella is a riot!!! I just read her comment...too funny!

  7. Haha! This is great Vanessa! Thanks for the giggle! Bella, you too :) Great comment!

  8. So sorry for my blogger absence my friend, I was absorbed by the warm summer days and a world of excitement (mostly by baby #2)! Happy belated Mother's day to you, I am so happy to see your blog is still in fine working order. Beautiful art as always.

  9. I think somebody needs to call an ambulance!!

  10. THIS is exactly why pediatricians outlawed baby powder a decade ago!

  11. You guys are crazy!!! Bella your comment was a hoot! I'm still laughing. All of your comments are so funny and amazing! And Deb, he he he he!!!! We will see what's going on once the dust clears. Kendra, I'm with you I think we might need to call the Po Po on this one! Keep them coming everyone! Thanks so much!

  12. V..I just dedicated a post to u...catch me at my blog ok..
    I tried calling yo ubut there was no VM avail!


  13. Violence is not the answer. But nonetheless, I have my money on the rabbit. Wonderful series!

  14. Eric between you, Bella, Diana, and Deb I'm crying over here! I think there will be a court date and someone is going to be arrested. Okay everyone just keep a bag of peas and a couple of steaks on the side!!!!

  15. When the dust... er... talc settles, it's going to be very interesting to see who the victor is. I'm with Eric, my money is on the bunny. Don't let the plaid trousers and spectacles fool you!

  16. All I can hear is BIFF, BAFF, BOOM, CLANK, DISHOOM !

  17. I AM CRYING, SCREAMING LAUGHING! I can hardly see how to type my comments. I positively love a good fight sequence and this one of the best!

    Holy Ninja Marionettes, Batman!

    Kudos and Kisses!

  18. Wow!
    Let have a cool all day long play here:)


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