About a month ago I got the most wonderful surprise from my very sweet Sisterfriend,
Ces This is a very special
blog award named after the a wonderfully, talented and hilarious children's book illustrator
and artist
Bella Sinclair.
Both of these talented woman have been an inspiration in my life while at this blog.
I love them both for their unique styles and contagious humor.
They keep all of us in stitches out here in blog land. They are also very inspiring and encouraging as well.
It has been my awesome honored to receive such an award.
As many of you already know Bella and her children suffered a great lost
this year when her loving husband past suddenly.
It deeply touched all of our hearts. Bella is much like this beautiful
oak that Ces writes about. She is strong and sturdy and give much shade to all
that come near her. To Bella, know that you and the girls are in my heart and
prayers always and remember to laugh. Laughter maketh like a medicine and there is much healing in yours.
I waited purposely before posting this award because I really wanted to give it
to some very special Sister and brother friends in my life.
Those who have encouraged me when I really felt like giving up somedays.
Some of you will never ever know how powerful your comment are to me.
My heart just wells up with such gratefulness. The world is a better place
because of all of you. All of you beautiful souls who create works of wonder.
Thanks so much for sharing your talents with all of us.
And now I would like to present this awesome award to the following persons.
Mr. Eric BarclayMr. Peter BreeseMs. Cheryl PastorMs. Yoon SeeMrs. Roberta BaridMs. TessaMs. IndigeneMs. Amy CartwrightMs. Kathy HareMs. FroggieMr. TomasYou wonderful souls are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for being a friend.
I will be giving this award out again in about week so look out!
Have a great day.
Now pass it on!!!