Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy Anniversary Raymond

This is one of the scenes from a commissioned picture book that was
requested by Scholastic employees for their boss's retirement.
They told me that He an his wife of many years, love to travel.
On August 4th My best friend, lover, husband, and yes baby daddy
will be celebrating 14 years of marriage. Ray says that it's 14
years I say it's more hee hee hee! Ray, You are truly one of the
best choices I've ever made in life. We have been through so much
together and yet here we are. Still standing. Grow old along with me
the best is yet to be! Though tomorrow is not promised to us,
I just want to let you know today, I LOVE YOU BABY hee he hee!


  1. Happy anniversary to you and Raymond! Makes me happy to hear about real love stories.

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND YOUR BEST FRIEND! (Can you tell I'm happy and yelling? HA!)

    Glad to see you, lovely lady. I hope we can talk soon.

    Have a great day!

  3. V!! Welcome back! I just got an email from you that you sent on July 24th! Will call you furst thing in the morning k?...Cant wait to hear more about that project for your friend!

    xoxo Charm

  4. Happy anniversary! It´s a great illustration, with a perfect background. You make a awesome simplification of the monuments. I miss your drawings too. I had two weeks happy holidays without internet in Ibiza, a wonderful island. I recommend you, he, he.

  5. Thank you family! Yall are much to kind! LOVE YALL!!!

  6. Happy anniversary!!!
    Love your creation for these specific occations in your life and your friend's. It is lovely and beautiful, unique and touching

  7. I love your pictures more than I can say. This is another fabulous one.
    Happy anniversary to you lovers.
    Allthe best

  8. Happy Anniversary Ray and Nessa! I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and thank you for being one of the finest examples of not only a married couple, but individuals as well!
    Lore & Family

  9. These responses are evidence that you are a great person. Happy Anniversary!

    P.S. Thanks for that sending that positive energy in the comment you left on my blog. It was much needed.

  10. Imagination is the highest kite that can fly. When you have nothing but dreams, that's all you think about, all that matters, all that takes you away from humdrummery.

    -Lauren Bacall

    Wonderful illustration. Keep them personal as always.
    Best of luck on the next 14 years.

  11. Oh my, Happy Anniversary Darling, he must know what a wonderful person he's married! Congrats and many, many, many more!

  12. What a wonderful image V, nice work... this has such a warm feel to it.

  13. Oh, divine Miss V! I'm so glad I'm not too late for the party. Happy anniversary to you and your dearest Ray! Hug each other tight and appreciate all the little things you do for each other each and every day. I am so very happy for you. Ray is one lucky man! :D

    Coming here and seeing all the glory of your happy artwork makes me beam with pride just to know you. You are a wellspring of joy and inspiration. I love you, sweetheart.

    ps. You cannot imagine how happy I am to see Ces's beautiful oak tree here.

  14. oh how sweet!!! wishing you a wonderful Anniversary!!! you are so sweet and special and deserve all the happiness in the world!!!

    I also love this piece you did...adorable!!!!


  15. oh how sweet!!! wishing you a wonderful Anniversary!!! you are so sweet and special and deserve all the happiness in the world!!!

    I also love this piece you did...adorable!!!!


  16. Beautiful, touching illustration! I love the background. And congrats on 14+ years of marriage!!!!

  17. Nappy Anniversary Vannessa!
    Great dedication, touching creation!
    The theme mute colour so romantic and it's like turn back the clock, gazing for more lovely past moment together!
    I have finished the making the gifts for you. Please come over and have a look!

  18. Very oo la la! Congratulations!

  19. Aaaw... when I read this I got the goosey bumps!

    Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.
    -Amy Bloom

    Happy miracle making!!!



  20. Hello dearie! Did I see you once write about a trip to S.C. Yesterday we were in Greer, S.C. buying peaches. I thought about you. Happy anniversary!

  21. Congarulations! That's a wonderful image :)

  22. Happy Anniversary! Your blog and art are always so much fun... and I loooove your header!!! :)

  23. I love the style and color combo in this illustration!

    Happy anniversary!

  24. Now that has to be the sweetest, most loving and completely adorable picture I've seen EVER! It says so much about love, about growing old together, about sharing adventures and just delighting in each others company.

    I just know that, one day, you and your Ray will be the ones standing in that scene, arm in arm and still truly, madly deeply in love. Happy, Happiest Anniversary and happy, happy days, beautiful Vanessa and Raymond! Always... and in all ways.

  25. That is just beautiful - elegant at first glance, then sweet and then *fun*. And what a wonderful idea for a gift - a commissioned picture book!

  26. Vanessa,

    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your warm comments! I have been remiss when it comes to illustrating for IF, I need to get back into it. I love the "wrapped" illustration you created and particulary the "Happy Anniversary Raymond" illo - just delightful! I'll be back to visit again, it's always a joy to view your work! Have a great week ahead!!!


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