Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm doing the Happy Dance over these Awards!

I have been blessed to know so many, many wonderful and talented people
out in what I like to call, "Blogland". Some of these beautiful souls are
fabulous people that I might not have ever gotten the chance to meet
at any other time in this life. I hold things thing as precious and priceless.
I view each of you as valuable and precious. We are like vapors. Here
one beautiful moment and gone the next. I have been given some very
sweet awards and I want to thank these fabulous people.
First a very talent woman and sisterfriend Michelle Henniger
for the "Superior Scibbler Bloggy Award. Thank you so much Michelle I will always cherish this fine award.
This next ward was given to me by Janine who is a fabulous
artist and illustrator be sure and check out her blog. Thank you so much for this wonderful and fun award I really appreciate your kindness.
The next award comes from talented friend, who made me drool all over my computer key this morning
with her latest post called, " Food Art".
I gained 50 pounds while looking at it and reading it! thank you
Miss D BTW this award was created by Diana!
Then there is Ms.Shirley
The Bella Sinclair award has come full circle and this is just fabulous!
I love you Bella Sinclair
Thank you so very much my friends. I am so blessed by all of your kindness!
Thank you all for sharing these award with me and I will pass them on later
on in September as I am in the middle of working on some projects.
Thanks again Lovely Ladies you ROCK!


  1. Eek!! Its been a while since I've been here, so much amazing work! Love your lady nectar circus one, just brilliant!

  2. Hey,Honey.Congrats on your awards. You deserve them all! Thanks for stopping by. Love you much!

  3. wow you are like the blogging queen and I agree with the above award your blog makes me smile!

  4. Coonnnnngggggrrrraaaattttuuuulllllaaaattttiiiiioooonnnnnsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

  5. Dear Vanessa,
    you deserve every single one of this.

  6. Congrats and you really deserve these awards Vanessa:)

  7. Congratulations! You deserve them! I love your blog and your art!


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