Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That Wicked City Woman

Treat or Treat meant something totally different for the
deranged Anna Bella Maria Mary Josephine Constance Karen Maryweather.
That name had caused her much distress as a young girl.
The constant teasing would drive her to a life of crime.
She has since changed her name to, "That Wicked City Woman"
I'm sure some of you know her. She comes over to borrow your car
and brings it back on E or not at all! Ask to use your expensive jewelry and never
returns it! Steals your parking space at the mall. Gets in the 12 items
or less line with of course 30 items. If you see this woman, there is
a world wide warrant out for her arrest! GEEEEEEEETTTTTTT HERRRRR!
He he he!


  1. Oh such beautiful work! Your illustration style is so lovely and charming. This one is great ^^ Can't wait to see more!

  2. Beautiful illo!! The characters, the fashions, the background... they are very gorgeous!!


    Illustration is definitely your thing. Your work never fails to amzaze me, Vanessa.

  4. LOVE IT! The buildings are so cool, the diamonds so sparkly and that really fun background texture - how do you do it, girl?

  5. Just love your style, it's fantastic! I also like your little story...hehe!

  6. With a long name like that, I would be kind of bad myself. As always, I love your illustrations.

  7. Woo!! Beautiful Wicked city woman.
    fashion colours and style. Congrats :)

  8. Don't you just love Halloween, all the fun decorations, trick or treating for candy, and costumes! I love this illo - your style is so cool!

  9. Lovely! The color choice and contrast is just great and those buildings are fine as well :)

  10. As always, your illustrations are so darling. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

  11. This is absolutely great! That bright red background is so awesome! One of my favourites from you... beautiful job!

  12. Such a wicked illustration if I may say so myself. Love the orange background and the black cat and the wicked woman herself.

  13. Hey..... I think I was behind ABMMJCKM Maryweather in the grocery store today!
    I thought it was a little strange ... you now the mask and all.... tsk tsk!!

    I'm loving all the red in this one V!

  14. Vanessa, this is so witty and entertaining. Your art always makes me smile!

    I've passed an award on to you. It's in my sidebar, whenever you get a chance to drop by and pick it up!

  15. fanstastic illustration once again my dearest sisterfriend but may I please ask, is she:

    1) a wicked-city woman?
    2) a wicked city-woman?
    3) a wicked city woman
    4) wicked?
    5) a city?
    6) a woman?
    7) all of the above?

    Is it cold up there?

  16. Haha! I can't blame her. If I borrowed diamonds that sparkly I'd probably never return them either! This is so FAB!!! You are just plain amazing, that's all there is to it.

    She's so pretty!

  17. I love your style! She's so slick... I want boots like that! Excellent!

  18. I love this one - the cat in particular ! Thank you

  19. oh she is so so cool!!!!!!!!!!! I think she has so many interesting stories to share with us....

    wonderful work Vanessa!!! you are amazing!!!


  20. You´re very welcome. It´s a pity the mail service was so quick. I was thinking of the oct 2 as arriving day...

  21. Dang, girl! You gave my secret identity away, and now I'm gonna have to change my name AGAIN. Sheeesh.

    Wicked is too cooooolio! Strut your stuff! Even if the cops did nab her, they would release her on her own fashion sense. She's stylin', baby! She'd charm the pants off of any man in blue. (ooh, that sounds dirty)

  22. Bravo !
    I love your illustrations, you've got a very original style.

  23. oh but she looks so sweet and foxy. Gorgeous piece Vanessa

  24. What a smashin' illustration, Vanessa! This kicks off Fall for me. I just LOVE those glittery details and her amazing shoes. You always capture strong, STRONG women...which is awesome. Is there a little YOU in this piece? : )

  25. Vanessa, you are hands down my favorite illustrator! You've taught me how hard it is to create these gems that tell stories, entertain with a fluid ease, and stand alone as fine art. I really appreciate your kind, generous and enthusiastic comments on my blog too!

  26. Hi Vanessa, thank you for your lovely comment. Your blog is really great, I especially love this illustration, very stylish!

  27. So decadently Halloween, LOVE IT! Fun and carefree. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend. =)

  28. The Wicked City Woman has on a BAAAAD dress and I want those boots!

    She is gorgeolicious!

    Have a great weekend, my dear.

  29. BELLA, BELLA! Is that really you? Giiiirrrrl, I knew you was cool, I just didn't know how cool!

    You's the bomb diggity! HA!

  30. You have such a fun illustration style! I like that pretty necklace in her hand. It works so well with the background--which is great and contrasts well with the figures. Wonderful piece!!

  31. Hey, I think I loaned her a book and she never gave it back! Dastardly woman! Someone needs to stop her!! Enough is enough! Next thing you know, she'll be stealing the stuffy out of the arms of a sleeping baby. Devil woman.

    Love it V! :)

  32. Your paintings are allways so much Oh la la!!!
    Wonderful, ans by the way, I just saw her the other day.


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