Well Friends, it is said," In each ones life some rain must fall." I ended up with hurricane with
this little project. My wonderful Agent and friend
I really wanted this job very badly. Well, while the editors loved the
artwork, the art director didn't! He or she felt is was to commercial. It took me a couple of days to pull it together. A few pep talks from my brother
Eric and sister
Bella and I let it go.
I remember when disappointing situation like this would have devastated me and left me
feeling like such a failure. The fact is sometime we just don't make the cut and it not because we are not talented or capable. It just didn't work for them. Why am I sharing this information?? Just being real, we live in a real world with real people. In this business of
children's book illustration, fashion, editoral, crafting or the like, someone is going to have
an opinion about our work. Some will like it and some will not and just because they don't
doesn't make you any less talented or gifted. If I only told you about the good things and how
I got this or that job I would not be who I am. The Vanessa Brantley-Newton
who blogs here is the same Vaness Brantley-Newton who speaks to many of you on the
phone, via email, and facebook and through comments on your blogs. I share the good, the bad, and the ugly with yall he he he! Hey, as my very geechee Mama would say, " Chil' what don't kill ya sure will fatten you and when life gives you lemons, dam it, make lemonade!" I thought I would share the illustrations with you as well. Other project have come and will come and I am so very grateful for them. I hope that this will encourage those of you who feel like you've failed or didn't make the cut in some way. I would say to you, keep doing your best work. Enjoy the process of creation, laugh at yourself, pick yourself up and dust yourself off and try again.
Breakthrough is just around the corner.