Saturday, October 17, 2009


Eric knew something was up when he and his family came home to find
their freezer in the middle of the kitchen floor. Yup, the "Frozen", veggies
decided to put on a show. With all the falling down, they had managed to move
the freezer away from the wall. That lazy lima bean and his french string bean
partner were rehearsing their frozen follies right there in the freezer.
Moral of the story, there is none. he he he he!!!
Okay, back to my rock. Have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. This actualy describes how I felt this morning, out in pajamas and a winter coat, grabbing some pics when the sun was coming up!
    Although, I looked much like the lima bean....... ;)

    Anne (trying to work on HTML on her blog....YIKES!)

  2. Wow,Thank you for your sharing magical inspirations!

  3. YOU KNOW WHAT? You need a lot of help! Hahaha! This is so adorable, girlie. Another Nessa masterpiece!

    Have a great weekend. It's always fun when you come out from your rock to play with us!

    Love Ya!

  4. I'm SO thrilled to see that you've gotten out to post, Ms. Vanessa! How lovely is this creation? I am even happier that the French bean has made her debut. I'm not one for Lima Beans, but he is quite the man. : ) Lovely illo, and I wish you a great week ahead!!
    S PS - love those mini ice skates!

  5. By the way, your new little Froggie (about me photo), is darling!!

  6. AAAWWW so funny! love their happy looks :) great entry!
    Have a nice weekend ♥

  7. Hahaha, you are hilarious Vanessa. Great illustration! Its lovely to get a peep into your amazing imagination

  8. HI Vanessa! What a fun illo! I love the beret on the French green bean :) Clever idea!

  9. ¡Hi Vanessa! I like very much autum and winter :) love their happy looks :)

    Great weekend and kind regards

  10. Another beautiful illustration. Very cute.

  11. That's too funny. I'm not even going to tell you what mischief the okra was up to. Wonderful illustration!

  12. oh how cool is that!!! what a clever piece Vanessa!!! you are amazing!!!


  13. Such an original story and illustration! Makes me want to get up and dance.

  14. LOL, they are too cute and this is too funny. I can see them dancing their souls out in the freezer!

  15. Too hilarious, vanessa! I love that string bean with the one skate! have a good and productive week.

  16. I just came over from Ces to congratulate you on your award in my name and what do I find? I find a great sense of humour and a Libran just like me, just with a bigger dollop of talent.

    I love your partying veggies, we should all veg out a lot more.

    Hope you enjoy your award as much as I do.

  17. I love your illustration. I know my veggies have grand shows in my freezer since I leave them too long in there. They get bored and need to have fun in there.

  18. Hahaha!
    Hey V.! This is real fun cute!! LOVE IT! :D

    have a great week yourself!

  19. Venessa, I should have sought you out sooner, I have missed a great deal of enjoyment in the interim.
    Please don't put me on a pedestal, I do not sit these comfortably. I'm just a little old woman sitting in an oakwood holding out a helping hand to passing strangers...

  20. Hi Vanessa.
    Your new Avatar is really sweet and everything BUT where is your old delightful, gorgeous, top of the top atavar?
    Get it back!!
    Have a nice week my frog- friend

  21. bwahahahaaaa! I love your imagination and sense of humor! This is so well done. I LOVE your blog header, too! You are so talented!


    You are sooooooo COOOL Sister!

    Oh Vanessa, you are so full of mirth. I just love you!

  23. This is great, but it really needs a song... or jingle:

    Frozen veggies dancing on your eyes,
    what a delightful surprise!

    Perhaps a green or lima bean...
    A dream wrapped in microwaved steam...

    Ohhhh it's never toooo late...
    Just heat them up and put them on your plate!

    Ba da da dum....!

  24. Your blog is well, just full of fun writings and great art and well,it's just a Fun and Happy place to visit!!!
    Blessings Dena

  25. very delightful! they make my day ;). thanks

  26. I hate it when frozen veggies act up. ;) Very well done, funny and awesome back ground. Those scarfs are getting me ready for Christmas.

  27. what a cute pair, I would come to their show anytime, it looks like so much fun.
    Love the moral of this one too!!!

  28. I love this! Heeheeee! Who knew frozen vegetables could be so cute?

  29. Those are some very very fashionable beans lol! You make even beans look good! :-)

  30. you just never know what to expect from veggies. they are suspect creatures, especially that lima bean, he's particularly crafty lookin. wonder illustration!!


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