Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Monday


  1. Vanessaaa!!!! thank you very much!
    Ooo i love the colors here, very delicate!!!!
    Wishing you a happy monday, tuesday, wednesday, all wonderful day! :D


    ~ mita

  2. Happy Monday. I love the happiness in the faces of the animals and kids.

  3. a very happy monday, indeed, vanessa! thanks so much for your comment on my interview. i love your enthusiasm! you made my day, sweet pea!

  4. Happy Happy Happy!!! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving !!!

    This piece is "Blue"tiful!!!!


  5. Awwwwwwwww, well this certainly made MY Monday happier! There are my favorite little kewpie doll kids again. So light and free and floaty. WEEEEEE! Whatever she's tootin', they're loving it. Hey, wait! Are these letterpress? Are you going to start letterpressing? Hmmmm? HMMMMMM? Oh, you are too cool. You've got your hands in a little bit of everything, and that's why I worship the ground you walk on! WOOOOOOHOOOOO!

  6. Have a very happy Monday!!! :D and hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving too. Love the colors you choose in here ..... makes it look as if its an old antique drawing :D and the kids are adorably cute!

  7. happy monday indeed!!!
    Lovely pic :)

  8. Happy with this music in your draw!, thanks Vanessa :D have a great week with dance and music.

    Hugs and kind regards

  9. it's very delightful!! and it comes at the right time

  10. That did make me happy. I'm not very fond of mondays.

  11. I wish I'd seen this yesterday! I sure could have used a little pick-me-up! This is darling - they look blissfully happy :) Thanks!

  12. How happy and fun. I love it . Have a happy day back at you and thanks for your comments pretty much on the same theme. Aren't we the luckiest of people creating pictures to share and enjoy.

  13. Wooo Hoooo Monday never looked so fun... ah ha, that's because it is already Tuesday ;) My my time flies.

  14. YOU rock, sister! This is SO cool. Letterpress?!! Fantastic. You are a woman of so many talents I am floored. : ) I hope you had an awesome holiday. Ours was wonderful and relaxing, too. Hope you're tending to yourself, too this season! Did you schedule that high-end mud bath/spa treatment yet? I hope so! : )

    Hugs to you, S

  15. This is a perfect image for a happy start of the new week! It definitely brightened my Tuesday :)

  16. this is perfect. it reminds me of that classic style of disney animation/illustration. can't tell you how much i love it. once again, vanessa, you R-O-C-K!

  17. My friend, fantastic!!! I see you must have so much work. I´m glad for you.

  18. OH wow!...I really love this piece, Vanessa! You are such a talent. I have to know how you get this Ben Shahn/ Warhol line! Do you use a photoshop brush?You do an AMAZING job at it.

    Anyway, I do have a few prints left from my show. If you're interested contact me at my gmail address and I'll send you info.

    Thanks for all your kind words-you're the best!

  19. Beautiful characters! The texture in this piece is wonderful!

  20. It's Thursday already, but that has just brighten the whole week for me! Such a happy, lovely illo, Vanessa!

    And thanks for your last comment on my blog, you are so supportive and generous! :-)

  21. Hey Vanessa!
    Have a nice Friday yourself! hehe :D

    Lovely illustration as always!
    Have a greattt weekend!!!!



  22. Hope it's not too late to comment, as it's Friday! Like your cheerful illustrations, something else to celebrate!
    Thank you for spreading such joy through your art and kindness!

  23. I am late so....
    Happy weekend.
    And I agree with all the others,
    The happieness in that painting is so great.
    Have a great weekend

  24. I'm so late with this. I wish I had seen this on Monday. It certainly would have made it a lot easier for me to function. :0)

    Love you, Momma! Hope you and yours are doing well and that you had a lovely Thanksgiving.

    Have a great weekend, Dear Heart!

  25. Super goodness! Happy next Monday as well!

  26. Vanessa can you believe that the holidays are upon us? Just wanted to say a quick hello before I dig out some more Christmas decorations.

  27. What a lovely, floaty, happy pic...made me smile!

  28. LOVE your style!! Totally fun stuff.
    And thank you for the very kind comments.
    :) Tina

  29. I like the rough look of this one! Great job!

  30. Oh, I love this! Just checking in after a few weeks (months?) away from blogs. I do like your style, and this one is unusual and very '50s classic Puffin children's book. Beaut.
    Taccolina from Australia


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