Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy Tuesday!!

I came out to play with yall today for just one second cause I got a pile of work just waiting for me and honestly I'm happy for it! While I was taking a little break I did this little ditty!
Just playing around with some filters and different brushes. Okay that's enough! Got to run!
Have wonderful week everyone!!!! he he he!


  1. I wish I had that little cowgirl's energy! Totally gob-smacked by tring to freemotion the church banners, I'm taking a sanity break before starting the edge of the Christ Candle because I KNOW that I cannot cuss on that part.....
    Tuesday will be happy if I can just get this one-more-candle stitched and not stich myself to the *blankity-blank-blank* thing....
    I'll be doing a lot of praying after this one!!!
    She's a doll---you rock!

    Anne...with a pot of crab and corn chowder simmering for dinner!

  2. Boy Howdy!I like your cowgirl. Glad you're so busy with work! I'm still trying to get into a groove with this freelance stuff. I gotta focus!

  3. Awesome V... now giddy up back to work! Ha ha... keep rockin' it!

  4. I need some of that energy! What a cute cowgirl :)

  5. wooohooo vanessa!! me too, i like your cowgirl :D

  6. Great work Vanessa! I love her face, her ponytails, and the stitching details on her hat. :)

  7. oh so happy you came out to play Vanessa!!! this piece is so much fun!!! you are amazing!!!!

    Have a wonderful day and great to hear you are so busy!!!


  8. Vanessa!! It is SO awesome when you come out to play. This little cowgirl is so vibrant! She's dancing with a huge, huge glass of milk! So super fun.
    As always, you are a gem. A bright star in my life. You always know what to say...now go out and get yourself that appointment for a chic mudbath! : ) And I do hope Zoe feels better soon!! You rock, girl.

  9. Yeeehaaawwww! That's a right purdy cowgirly you got there, momma! I'm so happy you came out to play, just for a millisecond. I haven't done much drawing lately, but I'm gonna get raring to go again soon.

    Love you much and I'm going to try to call you on Wednesday or Thursday.


  10. So that is what you create while you were having a little break?
    How frustrating for all us dabblers (LOL).
    She is very sweet, your little cowgirl and not to bad for a little draw in the break (hehehe).

  11. so adorable...I love that glass of milk! good luck with all your work.

  12. Very cute little diddy. Thanks for sharing. Love it!!

  13. You have a beautiful week too. Your cowgirl is full of energy and life. I love her.

  14. ¡Hi Vanessa!!, thanks for your kind visit to my blog, i´fell happy to see this illustration :D I love her face.

    Hugs and happy week!!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. What a super cute cowgirl - yeehah! Thanks for sharing!

  17. OMG..how cute is she? And I love the shirt and outfit! xoxo

  18. LOVE IT! She is so happy and cheerful, just comfortable in her own skin. Great composition and just so much life to this piece. One of my fun fave's. Thanks for sharing your talent and I hope you are having a ball with your recent batch of work... can't wait to hear more about it. Take care. =)

  19. Well, Vanessa, it does me good to know there are others as crazy as I am as far as making these things! And you understand then, the dilemma of what to do when they are done, which mostly I am voting for nervous breakdown and cry! (after delivery, of course!)
    And whoopee, I have the Holidays facing me!!!


  20. Howdy cowgirl, what a fun time you're having! It's always delightful to pay you a visit. Happy horsin' 'round partner!

  21. Vanessa!!!! You did this just playing around???? Oh my gosh - to have just a pinch of your talent.

  22. I'm glad you're busy happy and you take the time to take a break and think of us your blog fans. So thoughtful! Love it!!!

  23. Just playing, she says, just playing!

    Hey sister! Thinking of you.

  24. You sure have fun when you come out to play! She's adorable!!
    Congratulations on all the work V!

  25. What a wonderful, spirited little cowgirl! She's definitely kickin' up her heels and lovin' it!

  26. Yahoo! Thanks for blessing us with this spirited gem!

  27. I just love this cowgirl!!! Her happy dance is just contagious! Fun fun fun! Enjoy your work and have a fabulous week!

  28. You are the fastest pen on either side of the Mississippi, li'l lady! Yeeehaw! She's a rootin' tootin' smile maker, that's for sure. And what a coinkidink. On Tuesday, I pulled out my Woody and Jessie dolls out of boxes. Honest truth! It's fate. We are connected. :)

  29. Wonderful illustrations. Vanessa, you create eye candy everyday. If you were a real candy maker, I'd have cavities but then again maybe they would have discovered titanium alloy dental enamel.

  30. vanessa vanessa vanessa!! wonderful. totally digging all the elements ... that background is kickin'!

  31. Howdy cowgirl!!!!!!! she is simply adorable and very energetic! love her :D

  32. LOVELY COLOURS AND CHARACTERS....just love your blog :)

  33. Oh My Goodness she is soooo adorable! I always wanted to be a cowgirl...


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