Sunday, January 24, 2010

Drum City (sneak Peak)

Hello All,
I have some good news to tell you about. About 6 months ago I had the great pleasure of
illustrating a wonderful children's book written by a talented writer Thea Guidone.
This is Thea's first children's book called, " Drum City". Random House is the
publisher and the book is due out in stores on June 8, 2010. We are both so happy
and proud of how the books has come out. We just got copies of it a couple of
weeks ago. There is some tweaking that has to take place as far as color, but it's beautiful
just the same. I had such fun illustrating this book!!!! It's not all the time you get to
do what you want to do, but the art directors were so willing and so wonderful to
work with they made it easy to be creative and for this I am grateful. I can't wait for you
all to see it! It's just a fun book. I have another surprise coming in a couple of days.
I can't wait to share it with you. I'll keep you posted about "Drum City".


  1. This is so cool, Vanessa. I'm happy for you.

  2. Doing a rather stilted version of the Happy Dance!!!!! (it's not pretty.....try not to get a visual...)
    SO very happy for you! :)


  3. Congrats, Vanessa! That's exciting!

  4. Congratulations!!! The book looks colourful, fresh and funny. I am also very happy for you :)

  5. cant wait til mine are out! exciting stuff!!!!

  6. OH Vanessa! This is SUPER!! What a wonderful post. I finally got your message..out at mom's for a good ol' fashioned rest-visit with the girls to see "gramma" and get spoiled by her.

    I'm so very, very glad you received the little somethings as I was about to wrap it all up in plastic-wrap and send it (we're getting so much rain over here)! I am so happy you and your hubby like are most generous, you know that?! From your words, I have a portfolio I THANK YOU, dear friend! Your support means the world to me.

    I look forward to hearing all about the next bit of neat news from you - I think I may know what that might be. I'm SO happy for you!! You deserve it and I am blessed for your friendship! XOXO - S

  7. Congratulations sweetheart. I will get one as a birthday present for me! Then I will fy to Jersey to celebrate with my twin sister and I hope to meet a beautiful sisterfriend by the name of Vanessa! Vanessa I love you. Tsup!

  8. Oh it looks beautiful Vanessa!! Congratulations girl! :o)

  9. wow!!! This is so wonderful!! Congratulations!!! I was just looking through some of your other posts and REALLY love the collage/painting that you did for your sister!!! It's beautiful!!

  10. Yay, congratulations, Vanessa! I can't wait to see it too!

  11. Congrats Vanessa!!!
    im so happy for you :))
    and you have another surprise????
    cant wait to read the post! ;)

  12. this is wonderful, I am so happy for your!

  13. YAY!!!!!!! I'm soooo excited for you V!!! Happy, happy, joy, joy! Oh my goodness, it looks adorable!! I'm going to have to run right out and buy it for the girls! Congrats lady! You deserve all the good that happens to you!

  14. Oh help me, help me! I cannot...get...up...ACK! I've been bowled over... by... all... this... gloriousness! Good GOLLY Miss Molly, you are da QUEEN!

    Honestly, Über V, you have come back with a vengeance, and oh how sweet it is! All this is fabooooooo-arooooo. Loving your birthday tribute with all those beautiful, proud little faces. Love your marionette man and your stylish little figures. Clumsy girl made me giggle and go WEEEEEE! But THIS! This Drum City is DA BEST of all! It feels like Christmas all over again. I want to hear the rat-tat-tats of your pages. I want to see more, more more! You know I'm gonna run out and buy this book just as soon as it's out. I am SOOOOO happy, happy, happy and excited!!! Oh here I go again... I'm... gonna... pass...

  15. Whee CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for you :)) Looking forward to those posts! Have a great week ahead luv~~ hugs*

  16. Cool Beans! I'm so excited for you.

  17. the cover shows exactly the way i started playing drums :-)
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! i hope to have the opportunity to get a copy.

  18. When it´s out I am going to buy one. I collect Illustrated children- books.
    I have no chilgren of my own, but because I work with children, I have a good excuse to buy them ;0)
    It must be wonderful to hold the book in your hands.
    Congratulations my friend.
    Have a great week

  19. ¡¡ Congrats Vanessa!!
    hugs and kind regards :D
    Have a special day, i like very much your happy book, I`m Happy for you.

  20. Congrats V, looks like a fantastic book!

  21. Congratulations - it looks a very happy book!

  22. Congrats for the book and thanks for your comment! you have cute stuff here, I will be back! :)

  23. Vanessa That is wonderful and I look forward to hearing your news in a couple of days. Your work is great and deserves all success. I was hoping you could e-mail me through my blog I need some illustration advice from someone I admire.
    Dayle PS thanks for your comments on WAWE

  24. Woe, Momma! This is some fantastic news! I'm so happy for you and the book looks absolutely fantastic! Can't wait for your other surprise. You just ROCK to the hills!

  25. Oh wow!! Congrats, what an accomplishment for both of you. I will certainly keep an eye out for it, my daughter loves books so it would mean even more to me to have one illustrated by yourself.

    Cool Stuff!

  26. whaooooo, how awesome and exciting it looks so stunning. ConGrAts to you dear Vanessa

  27. Great news!! I'm so happy for you, Congrats Vanessa!!

    Your Clumsy illo is adorable, I love it!

  28. YOu can bet our library will have this book! Congrats! Very appealing cover.

  29. Wowie! This is fantastic! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Congratulations.

  30. Oh Nessa, this looks like another winner. Congratulations on getting to the finish line! Wahooo!!!!


  31. wowzah! i hope this gets into a store where i can get my hands on it. a big, whoppin' congratulations.

  32. Oh ya... I'll be getting a copy!!! Congrats Vanessa.... can't wait to hear the rest....

  33. Hope I am not too late here to congratulate you sister Vanessa.
    I am so so happy for you.
    I pray that your book will be a great success, you are always my inspiration!!!

    I love surprises, just can't wait for that another few days!

    Happy days and I am druming the up beats rhythm already. Care to know the whole stories go!


  34. Wow! Congratulations! It looks fantastic!

  35. Congrats! I wish I could illustrate for something like that in the future! More power! :)

  36. I missed this post. Congratulations, Vanessa! I´m very happy for you.

  37. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Congratulations!

  38. OMG! How did I miss this!? I'm such a bauble head! Congrats on this beautiful book, love! I'm am doing the "neutron dance" lol! Wow! I'm singing the oldie, "I'm so proud of youuuuuuwhoooo!" When are you coming to the greater philly area! I'll be the first there and your number one fan! YOU ROCK! YOU ROCK! YOU ROCK!


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