Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kicking Archimedes's Butt (WAWE Prompt)

Trey was pretty sure this guy was the source of all his math woes.
"I'm going to kick your butt Archie!" he said.


  1. AAHAHAHAAAHAHAAAAHAHAAHAAAA...!!!! Honestly, V!!! Where were you when I was a kid??? You could have made my life easier... This is AWESOME!! (^O^)

  2. Ah!! This is truly awesome! I enjoy everything about this! The contrast between Archimedes and Trey; in style and expressions! And, I love Trey's confidence in kicking Archie's butt! Love it! :D

  3. I'm next in line for the butt-kicking. (no, not to receive one....)
    MAth and I did NOT get along, so now I know who to blame! Thank you for relieving years of worry!
    I should look younger now.
    HA! :D


  4. How would Trey grow up to count his money if he doesn't learn math? heheee Lovely painting. :D Love his braids!

  5. HAhahahah! Oh yeah?! Just how exactly is Trey going to do that? This is cute Vee and look at Trey's expression. You and are a master of facial expressions.

    and let him kick Pythagorases butt too.
    Tell Trey that I love him.

  7. Oh my dear. Yes, lets do LOTS of math kicking butt since it was the source of many of my school day woes! Love it Vanessa. Fun, great character expression, lovely spots of color... perfect! Thanks for sharing my dear and have a great week. ;)

  8. You don't know how timely this image is Vee, we are having to do math several hours a day here for a retest. So we are math-ing it up like crazy around here, and Cyan hates math! Love this one, it is so creative and fun, love the contrasts, the intensity of the color and the eyes are just fabulous.

  9. This is great. I love how both are eyeing each other.

  10. Cute kid! I never really like math either my favorite subjects were english and history.

  11. hahahaaaaaaaa!! oh Vanessa, you are just something! I'm laughing loud, you are so much FUN! :)
    You're right...I used to have killer instincts towards that guy he he he! (i thing every single kid does - at least the ones like myself that always sucked at math :P)

    V. Newton for president!! :)

  12. too funny, v! what a great character. i think i feel the same way as he does about math!

  13. Hahahaha...Hilarious! I like Trey's attitude and Archimedes' amused look that seems to say "Don't count your chicken's too soon kid...Oh, wait do you know to count at all?"

  14. Look at that expression in her face! Splendid!

  15. and you have a big heart, Vanessa! thank you :) your comments always make me smile (OHHHHH DIOS MIO! mmmh... when I was a child, I connected math to music, so it wasn't a big deal... but when I grew up...)

  16. BOY!! I COULDN'T AGREE MORE WITH TREY! Oh sorry, was I yelling? Please forgive me. Math and I just did not get along. Even now, I'm intimated by numbers (unless it's a big one with a lot of zeros behind it in a check for moi):)

    Love your style, girlie. As per usual, those facial expressions you do so well make for a fun visit to your neck of the woods.

    I enjoyed our talk, hope we can do it again soon.

    Much love to you!

  17. Ciaoooo V!! How are you? Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while!

    hahaha I love Trey's expression! I can totally relate! I.HATE.MATH! Numbers and I don't match at all hehe.

    Have a lovely week & till next time

  18. L-O-V-E it. cracked me up i say! and to think, after all these years, i FINALLY know who to blame! and his expression is spot on awesome.

  19. HEEHEEHEEE!!! Good thing Archimedes doesn't have a butt. But he looks worried just the same! You are a TOTAL CRACK UP! And what a cutie Trey is! He looks like Jaden Smith, no? :D

  20. NESSA! YOUR BANNER IS FABULOUS! I love it. It is totally awesome! I love you in the car and the look on the cats face. And your caption is perfect for your fun and mayhem, "The Craziness of Vanessa Brantley-Newton." How befitting!

    Love you much!

  21. oh! the new header is so fresh, I want to lay in that grass!
    thank you for your sweet hug Vanessa :)

  22. Being not a math lover, I can totally relate with Trey!!!
    I love your new header..and the cat looks like a cartoon version of my cat, Mabel.

  23. too funny :) this made me smile - I absolutely love your sense of humor!

  24. No freakin' way! I was watching Top Chef last night, and one of the contestants -- this Southern guy -- made a chocolate dessert topped with crispy bacon bits!!!! And I was thinking, hmmmmmmm, holy cow, I wonder what THAT tastes like. Well, jeez, if Nester says it's good, it's GOTTA be gooOOOooood! Now THAT's a lotta lovin.

  25. LOL, love the face expressions.
    You are so kind Vanessa, thx for all your comments

  26. Hmmmm, when did you change your header? Love the new one, just wondering if you changed it without me even noticing until now.

  27. oh my word so cute, I coulda done with Archie's help and still could I am useless at math, I cant even keep scrabble scores.

  28. hey v! pleeease forgive me for my lack of comments. you've been posting such awesome stuff, while I'm over here shirking all my blogger duties! thanks, too for your shout out on the puppet post a while back-I'm still blushing.

    this piece, like all your work is simply amazing-funny, clever, time I come back to comment, I'm bringing a thesaurus!

    have a great weekend.

  29. Vee,
    Drats! I forgot what I wanted to say.
    I'll be back.
    Darn it.
    I am getting old...

  30. Thx again Vanessa,
    I think you find my secret fear of using and mixing colors,...
    I love your comment on my strange pet!!!! ;))

  31. hahaha...I love how they are looking at each other. He's in trouble now :D

  32. Oh you have a new header!
    I loved the old one but this one is beautiful aswell.
    Is this you in that great red car?
    I think so!
    You on the road of creativity.
    I think this header is even better than the old on.
    Have a great weekend

  33. I feel her ire! You truly excel in the spunky girl genre!


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