Friday, July 30, 2010


Chyna's new Seababy adjusted just fine to her new "Artificial" Water play ground.
She promised herself that she would not ruin this one like
she did the Sea Monkey's.


  1. OMGosh!!! This is sooooo cute!!! You are DA BOMB!!!
    There's a big Cantina party going on that was all Deb's fault, and I did NOT wreck the beer matter what anyone says!

    Anne...the good driver! Or swimmer, maybe ;)

  2. so cute V, thanks for stopping by, I love your water baby, sea monkeys, now that brings back memories too...

  3. Your work never fails to impress me. FANTASTIC work as always!!

  4. I just love the expressions on their faces!

  5. wonderful colors! love her face! Thanks for your visit and your comment. your pictures make me happy!
    have a great weekend,

  6. What a cute happy illo!
    Great work :)


  7. This is just too cute! I love the spots and textures on that octopus. Wonderful!

  8. she is so adorable/as is her sea friends! so glad to be in this blog sea w/you, vanessa!

  9. Hey Vanessa!She is an adorable little sweetie pie!!!!I hope everything is going good with you too and thanks for stopping because I know your very busy!I'm doing well in process of moving this weekend packing away and organizing.I will be so happy when it's all over!You have a good weekend and stay cool!

  10. you have a great blog, your characters are great

  11. I really like your work..great characters and fabulous colour!

  12. She is the cutest little water baby I have ever seen, wishing her lots of luck with her sweet little sea monkey pal!

  13. How pretty! There you go inspiring me again :D Hope you are enjoying your current projects. All that's good!

  14. She is too flippin' cute! It just makes me giggle. Great job :)

  15. Hi Vanessa, delicate color you use for painting, and fun your characters.

  16. Everything`s ok. Thanks for your visit :)
    I can almost hear them much happiness during these sea adventure, great faces!

  17. Just gorgeous Vanessa - her little face is delightful! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog too, your comment just made my day!

  18. I just don't know what to say about this one, Momma! This is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Chyna is adorable and her friends are just fabulous!

    You are soooooo talented, it's just crazy!

  19. Hey Vanessa! I didn't realize you were back. I had some catching up to do. Your Diary is so cute... Love the cowboy and this underwater gem is a masterpiece! Wonderful expression and colors. You never disappoint! ... and welcome back.... a little late :o)

  20. Hi Vanessa! This is so cute! i love the happy little octopus.

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. :)

  21. hey v - very cute water baby and critters. i do so love the new look of your's so fresh and fun.

  22. I had the strangest dream that a lovely bubbling ladybug was tiptoeing into my place and scribbling away a handsome note on my comment page. And it's YOU!!! And you're back!! *huggggggg*

    Well, thank you my lovely, for visiting lame ol me. It's been too long since I danced, you see.. heheh.

    And you know something else? I want to hug this darling little seababy too! She is just ADORABLE!! (^__^)

  23. She looks so sweet and happy! Cute illo!

  24. ..beautiful your style..

  25. holy cutenesssssssssssssssss!!!! this is so sweet Vanessa just like you my sweet friend!!! love it and thanks for popping by!!!


  26. That baby mermaid is so darn cute! Great expression!

  27. I love this blog! wicked stuffs in here!
    Wonderful! very pleasing to the eye :)

  28. excellent expressions on all characters! bravo!

  29. Ha, ha. Fantastic disguise! Great fish design.

  30. Hi Vanessa! Fantastic work! I love the expressions, esp. on Chyna's face!

    Thanks also for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments! You are a sweetie!

  31. This is very cute. I love the character design, your style and color palette and I also love that purple octopus! By the way, thanks for the nice comments you left on my blog posting! They were greatly appreciated.

  32. Thank you for your words in my blog! Yu've got a really lovely style, I like your work a lot.

  33. thank you for the kind words on my blog. i love you cute and playful.

  34. Chef Shiitake was so embarrassed by that incident and sends his deepest regrets!

    This is so darn cute, we just threw out the Sea Monsters that never came to life, perhaps we'll try Sea Monkeys next... (or not...)

  35. I have a thing for mermaids....thanks for you wonderful comment! You mermaid is adorable!!!!

  36. i love her cheerful expression, and the storyline is too funny! and many many thanks for leaving me such kind words - very inspiring for me!

  37. Wow! She is a darling mermaid that brings joy to the visitors here.

    I wish to have anadventurous day out with you dear cutie!

  38. Okay so I finally figured out how to make myself smile. Come and visit your blog! Heh, well your work makes me feel good! So thankyou. Great balance in this one - amazing how you get all those elements working together!!!!!!!!!!

  39. What an adorable little mermaid!!

  40. Gorgeous, happy, cheerful fun - Vanessa art! How is your summer going??? I've been missing you!
    Lovely share, charming illo, sweet character! ;)

  41. so fun! love the cowboy blog, wonderful illustration. great detail :))

  42. how lovely to meet you , as it were, on my blog. Thanks for the visit. you are so incredibly talented. Whoa. I just ADORE your masthead, btw. Did you colour this in photoshop or illustrator? It must have taken you ages! do you draw your stuff then scan in for digital part or waht?

  43. actually it's not how seababy is in my head i am not sure a seababy should take shape like this little scary but the octopus and its fishmate i love very much but see your seababy's like a stranger toydoll in their world so i guess not your world but your doll looks artificial. to me for sure but for the octopus and the laughing fish i give you my comment too bye

  44. You always have a great way to set the perfect ambiance for your characters in your illo's! Chyna is adorable and she looks so happy.

  45. Okay is this a two for one? Thought I saw this for wawe! Okay this is also great for this weeks IF word! So who cares. If I am wrong sorry. It is just beautifully done. Love it!!!!! :D

  46. I love the octopus! Such lovely simple expression and great colors.

  47. SOO clever, Nester! Love this baby mermaid..she is a sweetheart! I hope all is wonderful in your world and that you are enjoying the summer. I think of you often and hope that you're getting some mudbaths and spa days in there somewhere between all of the books you're illustrating! Hugs to you!! : )

  48. hi vanessa, i sure hope your summer is going well! these last few illustrations you have done are superb. your style makes me so happy!
    i especially like the cowboy yee haw!

  49. So beautiful and silly and clever I just can't stand it!

  50. Adorable-ness! I just love your gorgeous art. It's amazing and always makes me smile! Hope the summer is being good to you!!!

  51. Thanks Everyone. Thanks so much for your cooments and for stopping by!

  52. Amazing scene, sooo cute mermaid and octopus :) i like very much these post under the sea. Hugs and enjoy this nice weekend.

  53. Vanessa!!!! So great to hear from you, my sweet friend!

    I just found this! Thought you'd like to see:

    You, my dear, are a rock star in so many ways!!!

  54. Hey Vanessa that is amazing (the singing and book!) How can you be so talented :) ? You know how annoying that is! (heh just joking - BIG congrats!

    thanks for the link Shirley. All singing dancing illustrating, gee who would have known ? :)

  55. Oh no -
    What happened to the sea monkeys?
    No wait -
    I don't think I wanna know!

    Fun illo as usual Vanessa!

  56. Vanessa this is so lovely!!! I love it!

  57. Awww she's so cuteee!!!! :D
    Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!

  58. Awwwwwwwww! Look at that happy face. I LOVE it! She's cuter than Ponyo! And for me to rank this above a Miyazaki character, well, you KNOW that's high praise.

    Aaaahhhh, sea monkeys. I remember how much their food stank. Blech!

  59. What a cutie patootie! Wow, Bella said she is better than Ponyo and Ponyo is cute. I agreeeeeeee!!!


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