Hey Blogger Family!
My Birthday is coming up Sunday Oct 3.
I will have on my trusty poplin floral sheet cape
and hand cut super eye mask just like Batman's.
Of course you know I will also have my undies over
my tee shirt and jeans while I eat birthday with my
trusty country spoon. he he he he!!!
God has been so gracious to me that He has
granted me one more year to terrorize all you
good people!!! he he he he! I've been reeking havoc and
chaos on this world for 47 years! My daily prayer
is," May you not take me from This World before
my time, before the completion of my years
so that I my rectify anything that I have ruined."
Looks like it's gone be a while y'all!!!!
Up, Up, and Awayyyyyyyyy! Aw shoot I dropped my spoon.
Have a great week everyone.