Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello All,
I've been people watching again.
Faces that stay with me and end up in
my sketch book. I just love watching people
he he he he he!
I'll be watching you so have a wonderful
week everyone!


  1. woo hoo! i always feel like someone is watching me :)

    lovely faces vanessa, you have such a brilliant style, these people are lucky to have been immortalized by your pen.

    hope you are doing well!

  2. Honey, if you're watching ME you're better get blinders cause I look like the wreck of the Hesperes!!! LOL!!
    I don't want to be *the face* that send you running to the eye doc....especially when there is art to be made. ;)
    Love you Sweetie!


  3. Just wanted to say that youre amazing!! Seriously, I'm a big fan :)

  4. Great little illustrations, I love the expressions and hair on them all. Keep up with the people watching!

  5. I need to get over my awkwardness about watching people and go draw some day, huh. Great faces.

  6. I love sketching faces too!
    these are great - lots of chracter and love!

  7. I'm with you on that! I love drawing from life. Love these characters and their expressions!!

  8. Hey, that's ME!!! Do you have your spyglass out? (Nah, just kidding, I wish!) Very cool, Vanessa!

  9. Wonderful!! I love all the little details, expressions and especially your line work. I really should do this myself (people watch). It seems like it would be a lot of fun, then yet again, I'm so shy, that if anyone ever caught me drawing them, I'd collapse into a ball of goo. haha I hope to see more of your people-watching! :)

  10. i too love people watching!
    love your illustrations..
    especially that hunk of a man!!

  11. how DO you do these??? they are just so expressive and wonderful!

  12. Where do you hang out? I gotta go there. The people you watch are DANG better looking than the people I watch, I'll tell ya that. Oooooh, nice looking man.

    How you doing, girlie? Hope you're getting all geared up for T-day. STUFFING and GRAVY, baby!

    Love you, love you, boo boo boo!

  13. Ahhh, I love people watching! And these faces are gorgeous! Such wonderful details. I'm sure your models would be thrilled to be illustrated so magnificently. You are amazing! Hugs! C.

  14. Great people. I love their different hairstyles :D

  15. I like to watch elderly people, babies and handsome men.

  16. great faces Vanessa! Excellent hair too. I wish I had a little people watching time. I am dreaming of drawing :)

  17. amazing!! brilliant work! I love these faces!

  18. Fun peaks! You really have such a knack for expressions. Thanks for sharing and I hope you are doing well. :)

  19. I feel like I should be singing a song about the awesomeness that is Vanessa and her illustrations. I love these.

    And thank you soooooooo so very much for that comment yesterday! It was a rough one and put a smile on this face. :)

  20. Hey Vee! These faces are terrific! I see why you are the most sought after illustrator in the publishing world! if your not.... you should be :o) blessing and best wishes for continued success and happiness! I see you watching me :0)

  21. You are so talented v! You bring each character to life!

  22. Yes people-watching is a great way to get inspiration I think! Don't you just wonder what kind of character lies beneath the surface though? It's fun to imagine!! These studies are just gorgeous Vanessa... whatta talent you got girl!!

  23. Dear dear Vanessa
    First of all, I hope you are fine and everything is coming up roses.
    I have been away for a while but now I enjoy to see the art you made.
    And how great and funny your pictures are again.
    I hope you forgive me , that I missed your birthday, but I honestly needed a break,I felt kind of exhausted, like a ballon without air ( allthough, this is really not what I look like, hi hi )
    I hope you had a super bbirthday with loads of love and presents.
    I am so exited about your autograph day with Tori Spelling.
    I have thought, you might have seen her before.
    However, now she knows you ( good for her).
    Have a great day,
    till soon

  24. I love the way you capture people - so many great characters :)

  25. I dunno - I photograph lousy...not sure I wanna end up in your sketchbook Vanessa! LOL!!

  26. Vanessa!!! I just saw a youtube video of you singing at a book signing at B&N!!! You are so incredibly talented! Simply blown away. Wish I was there..!

  27. My goodness Vanessa... I have goose bumps! I just heard you sing on youtube!! You are beyond amazing!!

    Beautiful art.. beautiful voice.. beautiful YOU!!!
    You go girl! :oD

  28. Magical! You create real beings! I love your books!

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. ..excellent characterisations!!love their expressions..great work!!

  31. Great expressions V! Always fun to pop in and visit you lady.

  32. That guy looks like me from about 6 years ago!! Hmmm..

  33. These portraits are awesome! I love the characters and style!


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