Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Work it Lady Ming Ting

Lady Ming Ting is such a copy cat!
Her Toilet Bowl hat doubles as a litter pan
when she has to make piddles.
I miss y'all so much!!! Will be back soon.
Charlotte here I come!
Shalom y'all


  1. Hahahah! Princess Beatrice! hahahahaha! Love the hat. Do you know that all the ruckus she created with that hat, she turned to a positive thing by auctioning it in ebay. It brought over 100grand and she donated the proceeds to charity. Well done. Now wonder if Lady Ming Ting here will let go of hers? I don't think so. Rawwwwrrrrr! Hahahahah! Hope all is well with you V! Love you lots! Tsup!

  2. You and yours will be in my sweetest most tender thoughts and fervent prayers. Good luck dearest V. God bless you always. Love you, dearest Vee!

    And by the way, I am so proud of you!!! TSUP!

  3. love your FINE
    pink industrious lady!
    heee heee heee!

  4. That hat looks great on Lady Ming Ting!

  5. Hahahahaha! Ah, the famous hat. Love it! Looks awesome on Lady Ming Ting, she carries it with more style and pache' compared to Princess Beatrice. Come to think of it..>I really love your cat designs...

  6. She looks like royalty! Wonderful!

  7. Awesome! The hat looks wonderful on Lady Ming Ting! This gave me such a chuckle!

  8. oooh, hee! What a cool cat...

  9. she certainly knows how to dress.

  10. Wow, Vanessa...I am just catching up and read your last amazing post about Uncle Al and Zoe. I am SO proud of you for writing this and so happy for your family. What a story! It is great that Zoe has so many amazing adults in her life that she can learn such a broad range of lessons from. Wow. And my goodness, Lady Ming Ting just came back from the Royal wedding, right?! What a charmer!! I wish you all the best in your big move, Vanessa. You take it easy and I will be in touch - it's good to see your work's been way too long for me!

  11. Fierce! Ferocious! Work it, girl!!! TOILET BOWL HAT? BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! Love it. Ok, that's actually kinda ew. But I love it just the same!

    Good luck with the move, sweetheart. Charlotte had better get ready for awesomeness! I say they start commissioning someone for a statue now.

    Love and hugs to you all!

  12. HAHAHAHAH! THE most hideous hat ever made! I'm glad some good came out of the original, because honestly, it is UGLY. :)) Yours is cute, however. xox Pam

  13. hehehehe, you crack me up Vee. That hat is too funny. Good luck with the move and the unpacking, may it go quickly and smoothly. Hugs honey!

  14. you’re so fantastic!
    always such great ideas and your wonderful style of illustration.

  15. Thanks so much my friends! You Ladies and Gents are so freaking Fabulous!!!
    I'll be coming around soon as I get settled.
    Best to you all.

  16. Wonderful!She could go to the royal webbing:)Very fashion:)

  17. Lady Ming Ting looks quite fetching with her Princess Hat on. I love it.

  18. *guffaws* I need to get her and Countess Whiskeria together for lunch. No, scratch that - high tea on the terrace.

  19. "Charlotte here I come..." are you moving here? I have to say I was a fan of Princess B's hat at the royal wedding if for no other reason than she was brave enough to wear it and then auction it off. What a homage to the courageous feline in all of us gals.

  20. he hee!! I LOVE this!! It made me giggle so much!! I think Lady Ming Ting is rocking this princess hat! :D x

  21. Pussycat, Pussycat, where have you been? Well, I don't need any more clues! And thanks for the info, we know where she'll be "going," too! Hee hee!
    Hope Charlotte welcomes you with arms wide open! :o)

  22. Lovely cat, she has a great taste for Pink. Hope to see you soon!

  23. Awesome!
    You put a smile on my face and a giggle in my heart.... seriously what was the girl thinking wearing that fascinator/hat thingamajig!

  24. I don't know how you do it. (I guess if I did, I'd be doing it, ha!) Your characters are so full of life. You can feel their movement and personality. So, bravo, V! B-R-A-V-O!

  25. Hilarious and cute! You are a crack. Kisses

  26. Tres chic! Lady Ming Ting is working it! I seem to recollect some ong buried memory of an I Love Lucy episode with feed buckets as headgear.

  27. Oh, silly cat! Did you copy the silly princess, or did she copy you? Hehe.


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