Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sister Abby Girls

It was said that Sister Abby could teach a bird to sing,
but teaching McKinsey Laporte would be the real
challenge. That poor child couldn't hold a note if
you tied it to her.
Have a great week folks.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


My heart is aching a bit today.
I just heard about the death of Amy Winehouse.
As talented as she was, talent just wasn't enough.
I hate to see potential die. I had always hoped that we
would one day see her sober, drug free and happy.
While I didn't always like the lyrics to her songs, because they
where so sad and often depressing,
I sure did love the way she sang!! She was an amazing
singer. I loved that ratty hairdo of hers and that over
the top eyeliner. She was different and I liked that about
her. I will never forget that awesome gap between her teeth.
27 was way to young to go. I feel for her parents. No
parent should ever have to bury a child. It seems so
out of order.
RIP Amy.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The One Love Trailer

Hey Friends, my Momma always told me to share with my friend so
here you go!! Hope it warms your heart and makes you smile!
Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, July 18, 2011

What I Wore Today

I came across this wonderful website by Gemma Correll.
She is a brilliant and very funny illustrator. I adore her work.
She has created this wonderful blog called, " What I wore Today".
All you have to do is illustrate what you wore today and post it to the flickr account.
All this can be found on her website.
There are only a few more days to post so hurry up and get drawing folks.
Best to all of you. I would love to see what you wore today!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Empty Head for Rent

Bubba and the Spider trio cut a sweet little deal.
They get to live in his head and he gets to have
company. It was a win win for everybody!
Have a wonderful week everyone!

Monday, July 4, 2011

American Girl Summer Shorts

Hello Family and Friends,
Hope that you all are enjoying all this hot, hot weather.
Back in Feb of this year I was asked to illustrate a puzzle
for American Girl Magazine
and I have to tell you that I LOVED EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT!!!
I just love being a girl and illustrating for girls. Not that I don't enjoy
illustrating things for boys, but I just get to work with hair and clothes
and all! Run out and get yourself a copy. Happy 4th of July everyone!
Be safe!