Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sister Abby Girls

It was said that Sister Abby could teach a bird to sing,
but teaching McKinsey Laporte would be the real
challenge. That poor child couldn't hold a note if
you tied it to her.
Have a great week folks.


  1. Sister Abby just needs Johnny, Joey and Sweet Pea to chime in on harmony and get a little dance going!
    Then McKinsey will sound sooooo much better! heehee!
    Love from the bird-house ♥


  2. This illustration reminds me of when my Paris born teacher would cringe when I tried to speak French in college. Foreign languages were never my strong suit.

  3. wonderful! so much life and fun in your work! i cant carry a tune in a basket so i can relate to poor McKinsey Laporte

  4. Oh Vanassa, I don't konw how you do it, but you do it SO well. xoxo

  5. Too funny, and beautifully done! Love those outfits.

  6. Love it! I really love the dynamism of the piece too. The wind adds to the movement and the fence makes the piece exciting. Not to mention, the expression are just adorable!

  7. Awesome, you always tell a story in each illustration Vee :) One of my daughters can sing like a bird. The other daughter can't carry a tune. It's funny how the singing gene passes from one generation to the next, but skips some ancestors so completely. My son was also skipped by the tune fairy and often got in trouble with one of the music teachers in school, because he refused to sing in class. His voice is now so deep that everyone begs to hear him speak. He still may not be able to carry a tune, but his voice is melodious and deep. The daughter that can sing beautifully is too shy to sing, the daughter who can't carry a tune sings constantly, my son hates attention and everyone wants to hear him speak.

  8. you are hilarious
    & gorgeous.. all
    rolled up in one.
    la la la lovely!

  9. haha! I love this! This scene looks all too familiar—except my music teacher was no nun. She was the kind of teacher that would probably try to tie a note to you... or tie you to your chair. In either case, she was a unique woman. ;) I love the post, Vanessa!

  10. So cute!!! Reminded me that I tried out for the choir when I was a kid but I was awful!! haha!!

  11. Way to capture this moment. I love the treatment, sparsity of lines--very charming.

  12. Hee-Hee, wonderful moment captured in time! Which is why I don't sing... but I do dance. ;)

  13. Ohhh. I think I saw Mckinsey on American Idol, in the early rounds. Yeah, couldn't carry a tune if it had handles.
    Illustrations are silent, but you get the point across very well with this beauty. Great storytellin!

  14. very beautiful!! the characters, colours and composition.. you are a real talent!!

    and love your new header very much

  15. Oh Vanessa, you make me laugh! Your illustrations are always "in tune!" So fun! :o)

  16. Oh yes! I even own one magazine of it. Bought it during my trip to Taiwan last year. Good quality! Features a lot of great illustrators' work. Is your work going to be featured by dpi soon?

  17. I had a Great Aunt who was a Nun. She scared the holy $#%& outta me. Your Nun is much sweeter! I love it!

  18. Hey Sister! Thank you so much for stopping by! You are a true encouragement and a wonderful inspiration! Wow Miss Vee.....You have been so busy! First of all congrats on your latest book. It looks delightful. Your characters are so full of life! I love the trailer to Miss Marley’s book! Thanks for making my day! I saw that same look on my dance teacher’s face :o) Great illustration. Keep praying for Amy Winehouse’s family. Great tribute my friend and finally... I sent off some stuff to Focus on the Family...haven’t heard back yet, but I saw some more of your terrific work in the last issue. You go girl! Thanks again for the visit. God bless you and all your loved ones :o)

  19. Oh my, I do so remember the "Sister", you've made them a lot nicer than I remember! lol! But, then again, I was a curious child and back then, that was a no-no! :)
    I love their face, you always make their expressions, so that I feel pure joy in looking at them! Big hugs and love!

  20. FANTASTIC! great characters and shapes, vbn! :-)
    and bwahahahaha! nuns make the BEST characters! they really can be quite evil...or, like the rev mother in sound of julie andrews, soooo angelic!

    or they can be wicked hip like ol' whoopie!

    how ARE you VBN? hope you are having a rockin busy summer, girl! "-)

  21. Hi hi, she reminds me of Sister Regina, she was one of my teachers in school, but for biology not for music.
    We never came closer to reproduction, than to bees and blossoms, ha ha .

  22. I wanted to let you know that you're an amazing artist! I've given you some love, appreciation and an award. Please come and check it out at:


  23. Hmmm...maybe McKinsey Laporte is singing to the beat of her own drum and the rest of us will just have to catch up to her!!!

    You can cage the singer but not the song. ~Harry Belafonte

    Missin you girlfriend, but I know you're making some beautiful stuff!
    Hope you're getting adjusted to your new home and the lil one is doing well.

  24. Great blog, Vanessa, I'll follow you!
    Cheers from Argentina.


  25. I followed Indigene's link to your blog, and am so glad I did! Love your style :)

  26. This is truly wonderful! I feel like they're going to dance and sing right off the page.

  27. Ahhhhhh! Love it. Lot of life in the scene! Spectacular!

  28. Thank you for dropping by sister Vanessa.
    Sorry to drop by late. I have missed so much of your great posts.
    Yeah, I have a sweet time reading all your sharing and testimony in making new illustration book.

    All the best. God bless you and use you as an inspiring artist to deliver special messages to people all around us.

    All the best. Have time to rest in midst of business:)

  29. I view this and just am so lovin' every detail. I am so behind in visiting - but wanted to say hello to my dear friend Vanessa. I just watched your amazing trailer and I am bowing to your awesomeness..truly! Congratulations again..you really deserve so much for all you do, and give back to all of us. Thank you so much my friend!! xoxo

  30. Ebullient fun with a continental flair!

  31. Lovely illustrations!

    From the Advocate team.



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