Monday, October 17, 2011

Be Kind To Someone Week

Hey there,
It's Be Kind to Someone Week.
Yes indeed it is. Oh, so you haven't heard
about it?? Well that would be because I just
made it up. So lets be kind! Yeah... go ahead
and speak to that nasty little old lady who
tells you" Hey get off my grass?" Be kind to
the postman by keeping your dog away from
him. Find another way to get your laughs. And
for Pete's sake keep your comments about
Aunt Ada's wig to yourself. Find something
nice to say about it. Man up people and be
kind to someone. Anyone! LOL!


  1. Oh, I love that!! You know, the older I get the more I think that kindness truly is more important than most anything... Hugs, Silke

  2. This is so sweet, love the plaid too! That's funny you said keep your dog away from the postman. I have a little yorkie and every time he hear the postman, UPS or Fedex outside he bark at them now they don't knock on our door anymore just leave the package ( I guess maybe they run lol) or maybe I get to many packages delivered lol. Have a great week!

  3. Oooooo, I like be kind to someone week! I think everyday should be a be kind to someone day. Or maybe it should be kind to everyone day. Otherwise we might be kind to one person and then a booger to everyone else ;) I love, love, love this illustration Vee. Pixie sticks make everyone happy.

  4. this is so sweet :) and look at that, a little girl got that british soldier to finally smile :)

  5. Aw criminey, do I have'ta?? I could hurt myself, strain something..

    All seriousness aside. this is an excellent piece; the characters, the silhouettes and the story telling are all top-notch. You be rockin!!

  6. i love how the man in your picture is stooped low..yet still tall, with kindness (maybe taller this way).
    kind love to you, dear. X

  7. I will be kind, even if someone cuts me off in traffic or tailgates! That's how much I like you and your grand holiday. Do we get to celebrate BKTSW with special foods? Like perhaps a cup of cocoa! Yum. xox

  8. I try hard to live by this for more than a week---kindness is the warmth of the soul, which makes us all better people!
    For those that refuse?
    Well, it gets awfully cold and lonely out there....and then they might be in search of someone to be kind to them! ;-)
    A cup of kindness to ye Vanessa!


  9. This just made me smile! But, I know you as a Be Kind to Someone, every moment! :)

    Which is why I love you dearly! Another amazing illustrations!

  10. ..I've missed a lot of great stuff from you!! all are Amazing!!

  11. Okay, I'll be nice. It would also be nice to see many, many books illustrated by you out there in the world.

  12. Pixie sticks! Aaah, I loved them as a kid! Not so much as a mom who finds pink sugar hiding in the carpet.... but I'd never deny my kids the magic of pixie sticks. Oooh, love the feathery feather action too!

    Be kind to someone week! Let's make it a year! Hooray! Will you please run for president????

    Hope you're feeling mighty gooooooooooooood, Miss Lovely. You make me so dang HAPPY!

  13. I agree with my buddy, Ted, up there. You be rockin, just like that Beefeater on his heels. I am in love with the pixie sticks and feathers. As always, so delightful and engaging and the plaid brings back many of memory of elementary school skirts and Christmas dresses.

  14. I love this post! You are so awesome. I love the drawing too. Such a sweet image.

  15. This is a beautiful post with a beautiful message. Lovely blog:)

  16. I agree with myself. You be ROCKIN!

    Hey, when does cantankerous month begin. I'm giddy and ready to go!

  17. I'm all for creating a week to be kind to people. The world needs this so much.

  18. This comes at a perfect time! Thanks for your cheerful art and inspiring wishes this week! :o)

  19. Lovely cute illustrations and words. I am a new follower and I am already addict !
    Love from France

  20. A great message and great art to boot, my lucky day! Thanks Vanessa! You've got a heart of gold. I'll do my best to keep being kind-- even when it requires a monumental effort. :P

    Belated congratulations on your anniversary. My wife and I are catching up with you two. 15 years!

    Love your work!

  21. the sweet post you have here...what a great idea! Kindness is way more than much of anything else in this world.

    Love the plaid too amd your wonderful illustration style. ^_^

  22. it's true - it must be nice to Aunt Ada - despite its not easy, it's so good to jam with rose petals

  23. You can get with this or you can with that! I can get with this. Sweet post!

  24. Hi hi, usually this guys never move, but when a sweet girl from your feather comes around they will melt like ice. Who won´t?


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