Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Have a swinging week everyone!


  1. This is adorable! I could see a pic like this in my favorite baby's room! (No, he's not my favorite because he's mine; all my children are still in the egg phase of life!) :D

  2. Sweet! :) Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello and for the very kind comment. You made me smile this morning. I'm missing you too Buttercup. You've been a very busy little bee this summer.

  3. + a swinging day to you too,
    gorgeous illustrator!
    lovelove!! xox

  4. Very sweet post, I always love to come visit your 'drawings'.

  5. So sweet! Love your line work and your style. Love, love, love!

  6. Hey, love! I simply adore this. So very cute. Thanks for all the wonderfully supportive comments on my progress. I sent you an email. Would love to get together soon. Miss you much!

  7. I hope you have a creative swinging week as well my dear. Hope you are doing amazing and keeping busy. HUGS!

  8. This is the cutest! You have a creative week as well and weekend! Love you so much. So glad you stopped by my neck of the woods.

    Can't wait until we talk. Much Love to you and yours! MUUUUAAAAHHH!

  9. Wheee! What fun!Swinging indeed!

  10. That's really cool designs, color combination is amazing too.

    Apparel Design Studio


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