Saturday, July 13, 2013

If's Travel

One day I will travel to see Laura Muvla. She is my new muse and I love her sound and her beautiful spirit


  1. She's lovely! I love your take on her in your work! ♥

  2. Oh, Vanessa!!! Thank you. Just...thank you. Forwarded Laura's video to my best friend, knowing she will surely love her too. If ever I should win the lottery I hereby promise to take both of you to see Laura in person!!! Hope the skies have brightened in NC. Jersey is still having a hot, hazy, rainy summer but I'll take it over snow, sleet or superstorms. Wishing you, as always, nothing but the very best!! xoxo

  3. She's beautiful! Both the 'real version' and yours!
    (What a voice!)

  4. I always love hearing new sounds. Oh, and such an awesome representation of the artist. B-R-A-V-O!

  5. isn't she just amazing. I adore her too. Haven't visited your blog in a while. Nice to visit and check out your great works again! ^_^


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