Friday, October 18, 2013

Hello Good People!! It has been a super duper long time since I have had the pleasure of blogging. The last couple of weeks have been really very difficult for me and my family. I lost three very special people in my life. One right behind the other and it was devastating to say the very least. I have done more crying over the last couple of weeks then you even want to know about. Everyday day gets a little bit better. Today is one of those days. I had the pleasure to work with Debbie Levy a wonderful author of children's and young adult books. The book is called, " We Shall Over Come" Published by Disney-Hyperion Books. I am happy to share some of the pictures here with you. The release date is set for Dec 2013. You can find it at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. Hope you like it. Best to you all.


  1. You must be wrung out. Blessings on you and yours through this tough time.

    Your work inspires, Vanessa. Thank you for sharing and congratulations!

  2. Beautiful Vee! I'm so sorry for your loses. I know how hard it is. I just picked up another one of your books yesterday because I love to look at them again and again :D (((Hugs)))

  3. Hey V! I'm so sorry you've been having a hard time. I've done some crying these last weeks, too. Hugs to you. xox

  4. Vanessa, I'm sorry for your losses. Losing people back to back like that is extremely hard.
    Please take care of yourself. Be gentle with your heart. Sending you much love, my friend.

  5. I am so sad for you... Know what you mean on the 3rd I lost my 16 year old cat, on the 20th my dad died and the 30th a long time friend died. It is hard can barely walk forward. take care and know you are not alone.

  6. I am so sorry to hear dear!
    Stay strong! :)
    Hugs from Down Under!

  7. sorry to hear of your losses, that's all hard to take in at once.
    I stopped by to say that I bought your gorgeous book "let it shine" for a young niece. what wonderful illustrations! thank you for such a great book.

  8. Thanks everyone for you sweet and kind words. They are like oil on a deep wound. Thank so much for caring. It means so very much to me. Thanks Everyone!

  9. Woo Hoo! Another gorgeous tale... love, love, love that marbled watercolor look in the background. So beautiful. Hope you are well - and I can tell staying busy. :)

  10. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Vanessa. Sending you warm thoughts and baskets of hugs to you at this time. <3 <3

  11. I'm so so sorry to hear this, Vanessa. I wish I could give you a hug. My heart and prayers go out to you and your loved ones. I'll be thinking about you. Much love, M.


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