Hello Blogger Friends and Family,
Soooooo sorry that I have been away so very long.
I do apologize for that. Work calleth and I had to
answer so I can keep food, roof and lights and computer on.
Know what I mean??? I knew you would.
It's been a long while. Gosh I miss you all so much!
I really do. Life has been going on from
deaths to births and jobs and no jobs and all kinds
of good stuff. I say good because if we stay on
the negative to long it will bring one down
and as you know, and if you know Vanessa, that ain't
me. Anywhooo, I am working on books and doing
things that I hope share soon. Looking to do some videos on
collage and showing you the day in the life of
Vanessa Brantley-Newton. It's so not what you think LOL!
Okay, so here are a few pieces that I have been working
on. Still doing character studies and then there is a piece
from a up coming book by Disney -Hyperion which is called
"We Shall Over Come". And the very last is a personal piece.
I think people are beautiful and that I get to capture them
beautiful, flawed, happy or sad, is a blessing and it
is my joy to share it all with you. Hope that you all
are doing well and will be with the ones you love for the
holiday. I will be back before then to share more with you
Shalom and blessing!!