Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hello Bloggers, I have been missing in action and I really am sorry about that. I'm up to my armpits in work and taking care of family and honestly Blogging has taken a back seat for the moment, but I wanted to come by and tell you that I just finished my first Golden book called, " I Can Do It"! It's about about a little girl that tries to dress her self and do everything by herself or at least she tries. Right now you can find it here. I hope that you are doing well these day. Can't believe how fast the Summer has flown by. Wishing you all smiles and happiness. Best to you.


  1. Congrats on the book!

  2. I'm excited about your new book. Yay. I put it on the wish list for Jake. I hope all is good with you.

  3. Wow, Vanessa- wonderful news! A Golden Book! How did you time that so perfectly with last week's IF theme? So happy to hear your good news and glad to see you're still appearing in blogland...I'm trying very hard to visit my old haunts, too (hee hee hee)! Hope summer has been treating you well! :o)

  4. Thanks everyone for your beautiful messages! I am so blessed to know you all! Sending you all hugs and good cheer!

  5. Very cool! And it is looking wondrous!


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