Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Quietly singing, " He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" and He does. I know it doesn't look like it to some. I know that the world feels like it's vibe is slipping off it's axis, and that people are loosing their minds, but none of this is catching the Creator off guard. He is still in control and even if you don't believe in Him, He believes in you. Sometimes we dim our lights so that we don't stand out, but now is the time to let the light of love, kindness, understanding, brotherhood and community come forth like never before. God, I know your listening. We need you right now. We need YOU!


  1. Thank you Vanessa, for turning on the lights today! :o)

  2. I came across your work today and boy did I need to hear this! God forever bless you and your work.

  3. So true and needed. What would we do without hope in Him? BTW congrats on the announcement of "Jewel." Looking forward to it.


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