Are you finding it harder to find the joy these days?
With the elections and the shootings and the killings
and just the very air of the world right now? It can
be so very overwhelming to the mind, body and soul of
a person. So many questions. So many why's. It can
drain the life out of you. Joy is not about happiness
or prefection. Joy, is an emotion. It is
a choice. A choice to turn off the news or deciding
to extend kindness to others. It is smiling at someone
even if they don't smile back at you. If you are looking for prefection
you will never find it in this world. It's filled
with imperfect people at every turn. I often find joy in music.
Music is so very important to me. I couldn't do what I do or even
make it through the day without a song. Music is very powerful
and can bring the heart joy. I find songs that lift me
and help me get through the day. Find a song to fill your heart.
Wishing your heart joy and music!