Hello Wonderful Peoples!
Hope that you all are doing well and getting along wonderfully
if not... I hope it gets better.
I am finding that sometimes when things are crazy and just messy
it can sometimes be God or the universe telling us to move.
We can be such creatures of comfort. Not wanting to move from
a familiar or comfortable place cause we don't know what may
out there. It's scary, but sometimes we can stay in a place
to long to our own disservice and detriment. Sometimes I am
afraid to move. I don't want to make a mistake. I don't want to
mess up. What if I fall? But then, What if I fly? That is
the real question. Fear comes to keep us safe. That is the
purpose for it, but sometimes we have to do it afraid,
scared, shaking in our boots. You will never ever know
the greatness that is waiting for you if you never jump!
No, jumping is not easy, but it is necessary if you are
ever going to do something great! With that I am jumping
from this blog. I have been running Oohlaladesignstudio.
blogspot for almost ten years now and I need to jump
and do something different. It's been so very wonderful
and sweet being here and I look forward to sharing with you
on my new blog page at
Vanessabrantleynewton.com. Yeah,
" It's about time V!" some of you are saying LOL!
Yes I have a new website and I will continue my blogging
over there so please come and visit when you have a moment.
I would like to personally thank all of my blogger friends,family
and followers for your awesome support and I do hope that you all
will come and visit my new space. Where there will be
videos and interviews and yes illustrations and stories and
fun stuff. I love you guys so much.... I really do.
Thanks so much,