This is the illustration that I submitted for Watercolorwednesday. This was lots of fun for me. I just love the thought of a, "Magic Wand." We all need one. If I had a magic wand it would be lost somewhere in the bottom of my extra large hand bag I'm sure. I would be constantly digging around for it. I know this, because it would be just like when I am trying to find my ringing cell phone. I would hope that I would keep it in a pocket somewhere near by for crazy sister-in-laws, people who cut you off in traffic, the nasty cashier, bad hair days, traffic jams, the lady that works in the unemployment office, the other woman, really naughty children, or the bullies in schools across America. I would also like to have it around for doing good deeds. Like feeding the children around the world, helping single moms with their children, curing cancer, AIDS, unemployment, depression, foreclosures, illness, STRESS, writers block, llustration block, just to name a few. Yup, I think Magic Wands are the bomb if you can find one. If you should locate on please email me and let me know where you got it. I promise It'll be our little secret.