Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Forknoir Triplets Watercolor Wednesday

Okay everyone, you had to know this was coming. The Forkners have given birth to two sporks and a shiney new spoon.
Mama Spoonita is resting well,but told me that she was pregnant once again. She doesn't recall when it happened.
The babies are doing well and enjoy their dishwasher bath time.


  1. You've got some great work. I love your style and they way you portray racial diversity in your pieces. I don't think I've ever come across anyone who was a Phlebotomist before. What an unusual job.

  2. You left a nice message about my work- thanks! so looked up yours- LOVE it!!!! The "triplets" are wonderful!!!

  3. These are so cute. They totally remind of the awesome sea monkeys illustration! Love it!


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