Friday, August 15, 2008

If's Word of the Week "Detach"

Shelly Snailington's folks where quite shocked and amazed at her latest purchase of Detachable Legs.
She claimed they were all the rage in Paris. Shelly was always a strange snail.


  1. yours is grrovy too. love your work and nice to meet you :o)

  2. that's great - it's the first time i have illustrationed friday - so it's nice to meet someone so quickly after posting. have a nice weekend :o)

  3. hahaha! oh my goodness this is hysterical! and so clever - you have some amazing concepting abilities! great work! I'm still laughing...

  4. Ha!! This made me laugh. I love it!

  5. Snails are some of my favorite creatures, so I was bound to like it. Great work and welcome to Illustration Friday!

  6. Wonderfully weird and lovely execution. I guess some of them have semi-detached shells.

  7. Welcome to IF, your work is fun, imaginative and a little off the wall... i love it!

    The snail slime on the family photos cracks me up... great stuff!

  8. HA! Oh, Vanessa, you are a riot! How do you come up with all these fbulous ideas? I love the enormous smile on Shelly's face. She's just pleased as punch, and rightly so. Very nice legs!

  9. really cute, vanessa! i like it!

  10. Oh my this made me laugh out loud...I adore your blog, do you mind if I link to it? Your posts are hilarious!

  11. Love this, got to giggle, what a clever, funny illustration.

  12. LOL this is so funny. I love the plaid on her shell too.

  13. That's one savvy snail. Great illustration and clever take on the topic.

  14. Oh this is wonderful!! I love your beautiful illustrations so much - they bring huge smiles and warmth:-) And I completely adore the tartan shell and the slimy portraits - wonderful work!

  15. too funny and very clever! i love the eye glasses and the plaid on the shell

  16. Love the snails (and the plaid shell)!! They have great character and are so endearing. :) I also love the idea of detachable legs -- snails could really use some legs like those wonderful striped ones. Lovely illustration!!!

  17. Thank you for your funny comment on my blog!
    Those are super mice legs!

  18. Hee hee, this just cracks me up!! What a brilliant idea, and indeed quite stylish! :)

  19. Fun stuff! I really like Sail too.

  20. this is just to silly and fun. what a fabulous idea!

  21. Wow. Love this illo and all your other work. Incredible style, colors and over all feel to all your work.

  22. Oh, Vanessa, what a daring fashionable gal Shelly is. She’s visionary and knows what she likes! I love Shelly :)

  23. strange equals original, original equals GOOD. good for Shelly. ^_^
    lovely illo!


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