Two of my favorite blogging friends have awarded me these wonderful awards.
Thanks so much Fannie and Senta. They are just to kind and I am so blessed to have them as blogging friends.
Many thanks ladies. Good things are headed your way. Please visit their blogspots.
Fanniecarte.blogspot.com and Sentaplyer.blogspot.com. Just click on my favorite blogs in the side bar.
The rules for this award are:
1-Display the logo on your blog
2-Link back to the person you received the award from
3-Nominate 7 other blogs
4-Put links of those blogs on yours
5-Leave a message on their blogs so they know they've been nominated.
Here are the people that I have nominated for this wonderful award.
I love these blog and visit them at least once or twice sometimes three times a week.
You ladies and gentleman are awesome and your blogs ROCK!!!!
And the awards go to...
Scott of scottburroughs.blogspot.com
Ella of Ellasworks.blogspot.com
Eric of ericbarclay.blogspot.com
Linda of thedrawingmuse.blogspot.com
Linda Sarah of travelandsing.com
Kay of sniplings.blogspot.com
Bella of bellasabbagh.wordpress.com