Hey There, I just got an award from a very talented and wonderful artist and designer friend,
Senta of sentaplyer.blogspot.com. YAYYYYYYY!!!!
She has given me another award. Thanks Senta from the bottom of my heart. You are so kind and
sweet to do that. I really appreciate you choosing me. Instead of posting just more
stuff about me, I wanted to tell you all about what I am thankful for. It is said that
thinking people are thankful people. I want to say to each and every person who
comes to view this blog and leaves and message or watches. Thank you from the
bottom of my heart. I am ever grateful to even be considered a part of this
great vast company of creative souls. It's amazing!!!! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL SOULS!!!!
Each and everyone of you!
1. I am grateful for My God who loved me so that He would in His great love and wisdom
sent and gave His loving Son to give His life for me that I might have life.
2. I am grateful for my Husband of 16 years and our beautiful Zoe such fabulous gifts
3. I am grateful for a host of crazy, hilarious, messed up, dysfunctional, loving, kind,
fabulous, creative, brilliant and nurturing family and friends.
4. I am grateful for my hands and my eyes and my brain and my spirit and my imagination.
5. I am grateful that I am here.
6. I'm grateful for what each creative soul brings to the canvas called life. You are a gift not
to be measured by anyone else. You are as unique and different as your fingerprints. No one before
you or after you will have the same fingerprints for this I am grateful. You have left your fingerprints
on me. All of you.
7. I am grateful for expression!
8. I am grateful for your expression!
10. I am grateful for this day to share with you my heart with other BEAUTIFUL SOULS
Have a most wonderfully fabulous day my friends.