Hello Family,
I've been meaning to post the wonderful awards that some of my Sister friends have given me. It's been so very
busy around here for me and I really haven't had the chance to post them like I wanted to, but I got this
message from
Ces and honestly it stopped me in my tracks.
You ladies are to kind, so to my Sister friends,
Art Fan Ako and
Sabbio Thank you beautiful ladies for your kindness shown towards me. I send you each much happiness, hugs and kisses from the bottom of my heart thanks again and again.
I got the most wonderful and moving comment from my Sister Friend
Cesasking me to accept this very special and wonderful award. I am always, always honored when anyone of you
give me an award. I am grateful to have such wonderful and beautiful souls in the blog world who care so much
to even pick me. I don't always get to post them right away because of work, but please, please, know that
each one touches my heart and I appreciate each one and hold them all in the highest esteem. Many of you
know about the tragic and untimely death of one of our dearest blogger friend's husband,"
Bella Sinclair Bella and her family were in the process
of moving back to the states from Japan when her husband suddenly passed away. This came as such a shock
to all of us! If any of you know
Bella Sinclair
she is one of the nicest, hilariously funny and super talented woman out here today. She is amazing!
I miss her deeply and I know that many of you miss her as well. Life is so fragile. One moment we are laughing
and creating and in the next we are dealing with the most painful situations that cause us to scream out
in deep sadness and heavy sobbing. We know that Bella will be back and we will be here to receive her with
open and loving arms. Not to preach at you or anything of the sort, but I would encourage us all to hold the ones
we love so dearly closer today. To turn around and get the last bump of the fist or that hug or kiss and say, " I love you."
Thank you Ces for this beautiful award.
Have a wonderful 4th of July Everyone!