About ten years ago my father remarried after the death of my mom. She was only 56 years
young and died of colon cancer. My sister Coy and I wanted our dad to remarry as soon as possible. 6 months after mom's passing dad announced that we wanted to marry
Ms. Earlene Busby. I am proud to say that they have been married for 10 years now and
they love each other very, very much. She has become Mom , mom-in-law, and Grandmamma,
to our families. We didn't just get a mom, but also 3 sisters and 2 brothers.
Which are never ever referred to as step anything. he he he he!!!
It's amazing how we just took to each others.
It's like we have been family all along. It doesn't happen like that for many people, but
somehow and someway this just worked. I am now blessed to have 4 sisters that I LOVE and
Admire and Adore! Each with her own personality and story. This is a collage work that
I did for my beautiful baby sister Mechelle for her 40th birthday. She is in love with it!
Happy Birthday to my beautiful sister Chelle!