Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Mechelle

About ten years ago my father remarried after the death of my mom. She was only 56 years
young and died of colon cancer. My sister Coy and I wanted our dad to remarry as soon as possible. 6 months after mom's passing dad announced that we wanted to marry
Ms. Earlene Busby. I am proud to say that they have been married for 10 years now and
they love each other very, very much. She has become Mom , mom-in-law, and Grandmamma,
to our families. We didn't just get a mom, but also 3 sisters and 2 brothers.
Which are never ever referred to as step anything. he he he he!!!
It's amazing how we just took to each others.

It's like we have been family all along. It doesn't happen like that for many people, but
somehow and someway this just worked. I am now blessed to have 4 sisters that I LOVE and
Admire and Adore! Each with her own personality and story. This is a collage work that
I did for my beautiful baby sister Mechelle for her 40th birthday. She is in love with it!
Happy Birthday to my beautiful sister Chelle!


  1. I really love this piece Vanessa, I love the inclusion of newsprint or is it book print, anyway, I like it very, very much. Thank you for the visit and the lovely comment and I am thrilled that your little one liked my illustration. That counts as high praise for me!

  2. what a wonderful present and fantastic work!

  3. It´s a wonderful history and amazing ilus!

    And Happy Birthday Mechelle!!! You have a fantastic sister!


  4. Awww-- that's just lovely. What a beautiful thing to have no "steps"! Happy Birthday Mechelle!

  5. Wow, is she a lucky lady to get this present! I just love it. You know, Vanessa, you have such style! Your work is always you, but then you manage to give each piece it's own little voice. You are so talented.

  6. I can see why Mechelle loves the picture, it's gorgeous!

  7. this is really beautyfull!

  8. Thanks for visiting in my blog!!
    great job here!!
    I liked your style!!!

  9. What a wonderful gift to receive! Even though you work with different media, that V-style shines through! Oh, and by the way, Busby is my maiden name!!! I knew we were sisters! :-)

  10. Hi Vanessa, just found your blog - what wonderful work you do! This story is so touching, you are indeed blessed. Love your sister work too, Happy Birthday Mechelle, what a wonderful present!

  11. Where there is love... a family grows. What a remarkable family you have!

  12. You are most abundantly blessed!!! To have that quality of family---LUCKY!!!!!
    The collage is darling; evocative of just the perfect attitude on the way to Sunday Service.....
    Your sister's name, Coy, is that shortened or a nickname? I ask because my Dad's name was Coy, and I have only heard it in the Southern states.....
    Brain just dribbling here....


  13. What a sweet story and art piece. I always find something to inspire me when I visit you. Thank you!

  14. Oh Nessa-

    It's breathtaking, it really is!

    Scribbles :o)

  15. Hi Vanessa. What a wonderful present. Happy Birthday Mechelle!! I love the collage work very much. Take care. You have a good heart.

  16. Hi Vanessa. What a wonderful present. Happy Birthday Mechelle!! I love the collage work very much. Take care. You have a good heart.

  17. Wow, what a great much love in your family..I'm happy about your dad finding someone again. I'm just so sad about your mom's battle at such a very young mom is surviving cancer at 73 now. We keep moving forward, right?

    This is just a wonderful, wonderful gift for your lucky sister, Mechelle..happy birthday..I know she's just in love with it, as are all of your fans, Vanessa! : )

  18. This is a wonderfull birthday. gift. Thank you for sharing it, and for sharing the story about your "Patchworkfamily".
    It is wonderful, when two familys become one. This does not happen very often

  19. GORGEOUS. I'm sure Mechelle is going to enjoy that collage very much. It is truly a magnificent piece of work.

    YOU ROCK, Girlie!

  20. No worries, Vanessa!! I'm SO glad that you're busy and that I'm busy, too..what with this crazy take good care and we'll touch base soon. : ) S

  21. Vanessa your sister spells her name just like me! When I saw your post I thought you were talking about me. Lol My birthday was on the 6th of this month.

    Your sister has the most beautiful name! hahaha

  22. wow. wow. WOW. such a wonderful and touching story to this one. not to mention it's amazingness. just beautiful.

  23. This is very pretty. It looks like a pastel drawing.

  24. what a beautiful post, Vanessa.
    you know, Mechelle is so lucky to have a great sis like you...
    (and i like the name Mechelle with 'e' !!!)


  25. Such a heartfelt warm post! Lovely illo!

  26. this is so beautiful!

  27. ¡¡Happy Birthday!!
    i wish a special day :)
    hugs and kind regards, cute piece.

  28. Tracey, thanks so for you kind words. I tried to email you or at least leave you a message and could. Thanks for stopping by though!!!

  29. Ohhh V.! I can see why your sister is in love with this piece...cuse I'M IN LOVE WITH IT TOO! :D
    It's so gorgeousssss! the composition, color palette and expression - A-FREAKING-MAZING!!

    Having a great family is indeed a great blessing. I'm happy that you have that in your life. :)



  30. I love this, the girls are all lovely. Happy Birthday to Mechelle.

  31. Either I haven't been around for a while, or you've been very busy. I think both. So much great work coming from your drawing board. I'm truly impressed.

    And this is lovely piece Vanessa! Your work either makes me feel happy or thoughtful, and not many peoples work makes me feel that way anymore. Thanks!

    PS. your modern bears is my new favorite.

  32. What a blessing you must be to your sisters! I know you are to us! This takes my breath away and reminds me so much of me and my sisters going to church. There were 5 girls at my house in the morning getting ready for church! With big, big, big poofy long hair, talk about crying! Girl, I could tell you stories! lol! But when it was all said and done, we looked sweet and angelic, although I wonder if my Mom had those sweet thoughts while messing with her "messy haired" girls! Thought, I'd share and catch up with you. I've commented on all the wonderful posts of yours that I've missed! I love this piece, too! Where are you selling these gems? Sending you snickerdoodles of love!

  33. this is stunning!!! - sisterhood has it's perks!!-Xo

  34. What a blessing! It is wonderful when happiness happens, When our losses are replaced by gains, When our tears are replaced by smiles and laughter, When our wounds are healed and the scars disappear. Life is not perfect and we cannot have everything we want but it is wonderful when God provides for our basic satisfaction and happiness. Happy birthday to Mechelle.

  35. I meant to ask you. Those numbers on the girls, are those the number of boys' hearts they have broken or the number of matching handbags and shoes?

  36. Vanessa what a lovely tribute to your family and so generous of you to give us all a glimpse of it and the history behind it. I can see why this would be a beloved piece and something that will be cherished for generations to come.
    Lovely share. Have a good weekend!

  37. I love it V! And Happy Birthday to you Mechelle! (My name is spelled Michelle, but it's pronounced Mechelle too!) hee hee!

    I'm so glad that you have such a wonderful family to call yours! And they are lucky to have you. You are a such a great person! Thanks for being you V!

  38. I love it V! And Happy Birthday to you Mechelle! (My name is spelled Michelle, but it's pronounced Mechelle too!) hee hee!

    I'm so glad that you have such a wonderful family to call yours! And they are lucky to have you. You are a such a great person! Thanks for being you V!

  39. Who couldn't be in love with this?!! I gotta tell you Vanessa, your stuff is so hot sometimes I think my screens going to burst into flames when I check out your blog!...and happy birthday to Mechelle.

  40. What a wonderful heartfelt post and illustration! : )

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  42. Hi Vanessa,
    I just found your blog through my store's blog (the Odyssey Bookshop). Thank you for your comment - it led me to your blog and your other artistic work. I love your style! This is a beautiful piece, and I love the meaning in it for you and your family. Happy birthday to your sister!
    All the best, Rebecca

  43. Awesome...thanks for sharing the story and your wonderful gift of art.

  44. Absolutely Beautiful. I love it. Such an amazing family you got:)

  45. This is sooooo beautiful! You are an amazing artist!

  46. Wow! A super fantastic dedication to Chelle.
    I am so touched....

  47. Gorgeous and what a great testimony of love!


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