Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Magic of Count De Mezzo

He didn't want to be prince or president. He didn't even want to be a Count.
He just wanted to share his joy of telling stories with wonderful puppetry.
Count De Mezzo kept the children entertained for hours.


  1. I *LUV* that froggie marionette!!!!
    Frankly, the Count can just come entertain ME .........lalalalala.... >:)


  2. Wonderful, come and see.
    As a child I loved nothing more thann puppet - theater. I totally get lost in it.

  3. He is such a wonderful character!

  4. Girl! You really have this wonderful retro style that speaks to me and tugs at my heart. Your illustrations remind me of my happy childhood.

  5. Hi Vanessa. I love Count De Mezzo. Great work. The froggie is a darling. Have a great week.

  6. Oooh..he's simply dashing! And I love the little girl's face, too..she's completely in awe. : ) If you have a chance, swing by to see something sparked by your words. : ) Hope you've been super!

  7. oh so wonderful Vanessa!!!!!!!! you are the true magic behind all of your wonderful art!!!

    Sending you big hugssssssssss!!!


  8. I am baaackk...so sorry about that Vanessa! I was running into Noëlle's computer class..and lo and behold..no internet! So, I'm baack..I'm just so happy that you like what you saw..I just popped a print of it, as well as that little something, in the mail to you..it's my small token of thanks for all of your encouragement and support..thank you, thank you, thank you! hugs! S

  9. Vanessa, you are a rock star, you know that?! Everything you do is so full of character and CHARM!

  10. Super cute, love the marionettes! I also really like the background, it's got nice texture and contrasts the artwork.

  11. OMG Vanessa!!!!!!!!!!!
    this is SUPERRRRR!
    i love love love this!

    super sweet kisses and a big HUG :D

  12. Love her FACE! (Eyes popping out with mesmerised attention...)

  13. well hello vanessa! it has been way too long… but… i always know i can find wondrous artwork to brighten my day right here at ooh la la…

    thanks for the visit… and happy new year to you!

  14. Count De Mezzo is a master.... as are you V! The things you create inspire girl!!!

  15. The Count is smooooooth as silk, and very dapper. And he is obviously quite good as his puppetry.

    Great illo as per usual, baby. Your style and the excitement that your characters instill in us is undeniable.

    Love you much.

  16. Hello Vanesa, how are you today.
    I am having lots of fun visiting your blog again.
    These people are making a great team. So magical yet so joyful!

    If you are free, you and your cutie can serach some crafting ideas from the Japanese craft book and do the magic of cunt de mezzo too!


  17. He's making it count, really. Super nice!

  18. I love the style in this illustration! Great work!

  19. I love the drama in this! But of course, there would be drama, you did it! lol! Sending love!

  20. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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