Friday, February 12, 2010


Happy weekend everyone!


  1. If flying is that fun, I think I might do it more often...hehe...great illustration!

  2. And, a VERY Happy Weekend to you, Vanessa! Sweet illustration! At the end of a long week, that's kind of how I feel right now, as if I'm riding a ladybug into the weekend! :)

  3. Sorry, that was me... not Anonymous... he he ;)

  4. AWWW MAN, how sweet is THAT! That could be Mud Flap Jack, you know, off to his destination location. Magic sneakers in his back pocket. Thanks for the ride, Vanessa! Do they serve good food on Ladybug Airlines? No charge for luggage or blankets, right? Nothing but pure delight, all the way. Happy happy happy Valentine's weekend, Love!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day, Vanessa.
    I sure love to take a ride on Lady Bug Airlines. Looks like loads of fun.

  6. Hey Vanessa! You're sooo good! Awesome stuff as usual. I'm not worthy...I'm not worthy...

  7. I want to join in Babys journey.
    He looks so happy.
    No wonder at all.
    I love he little storys you tell with your paintings.
    A happy weekend to you too

  8. Ooh a ladybug! Off to fly the little one to aphid land. Chomp chomp chomp! Beautiful colors sweetheart and there is still that smiling face of your I see in your drawings.

  9. OOOH!! I wanna fly that airline. What a sweeeeet little baby..and that lovely just always impress me. Wonderful! Have a lovely weekend, Vanessa!

  10. Love that perfect chubby chin of his! :)

  11. How gorgeous!!! I love this piece, your work has so much joy and character to it, lovely!!

  12. this is so cute!! the expression on that baby's face is priceless and that little party hat is the perfect touch. you are truly amazing...

  13. Gorgeous illustration, the baby's face transmits peacefulness.

  14. Somehow I missed this and I really love it! Such a sweet expression and cute idea! Happy Valentines Day! And tell your loved ones that I said getting to know each other again can be sooooo wonderful and make you even closer than you were before. It's hard but so worth it. You get to fall in love all over again. :)

  15. Fantastic little gent you have here V! My daughter is going to love this one when she sees it!

    So happy to hear your friends husband is home and safe!

  16. Oh, I love ladybugs and especially this one! Just sends my spirits soaring! Extraordinary!

  17. This is so sweet! You are such a wonderful artist. Your work evokes such warm emotions and fuzzy wuzzy feelings on the inside.

    Love you much, Momma!

  18. you've done it again, girl - this is soooooo adorable!

  19. Oh, so sweet! We left boatloads of snow on Thursday and returned yesterday to new snow last night and today, and believe it or not, our flights were almost as peaceful as this! Must have been Ladybug Airlines!

  20. Would love a flight on this cutie! You have such a talent for bringing out joy in your beautiful work - so much fun to come here!

  21. nice!, it's been sometime, I'll be looking forward to drum city. :)

  22. What a charming little pair of "bugs!" I'll be looking out for them as I spend more time in my garden as the days warm. Can't wait to see what else is in store in your next post!

  23. Hi Vanessa! great and cute illustration. Hugs and kind regards. lovely smile in the sun and child.

  24. Ladybug airlines! That's adorable. You are awesome. What else can I say.

  25. haha. love love love it. and, yay for ladybugs. its about time someone portrayed their superpowers. :)

  26. This is SO much fun, Vanessa!
    Love it.

    Have a great week!

  27. Hehe...Cute! Do they have a frequent flier discount too :)


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