Hey Fellow Bloggers,
I want to thank each and every single one of you that have
come to visit the blog while I have been away. I really, truly
appreciate each and everyone of your comments and can't wait
to get back to leaving messages on your blogs. I am also writing
to make an grand apology for the recent ads that have shown up
on my blog. To each his own, but some of these ads did not reflect
Vanessa Brantley-Newton. I was horrified when I saw them
and tried to fix them through the host and It still didn't work.
The last thing I'd ever want to do is to offend any of you beautiful
souls and if I have offended any of you, I am truly sorry.
I want my blog to be a safe and happy place where families
can come and visit and my fellow artist/illustrators can
be encouraged and inspired.
I promise you that you will not see these ads anymore. I have removed
them all. My desire and hope is that I will always have the joy of
posting illustrations and pictures that speak to the child in each
of us and bring much inspiration, laugher and creativity.
Thanks so much for your understanding. Okay, I've taken care
of the monsters. Have a good one.