Saturday, February 19, 2011


It's freezing here in Jersey.
Have a great weekend.


  1. Ooh!!!! La la la! You just made my morning with this illustration!! It just makes me smile.

    As for weather, I'm north of Boston and we were in the 60's yesterday, you were probably warmer and no layers needed...

    La-ove, la-ove your work and thank you for looking and your lovely comment on my blog!

  2. Oh, my! I am falling in love with your banner, and then I see your Layers illustration! Sigh. Swoon. You are better than a cup of hot cocoa any day. :) Thank you for the smiles! xox Pam

  3. This is just adorable!! I remember that feeling of barely being able to move your arms because of wearing so many layers. And it has indeed been a cold winter here in Jersey. Your banner is indeed spectacular, Vanessa.

  4. ~sending you the warmest of wishes for mr. sun to makes his way to you this day!!! she does look adorable wrapped up in her vibrant cozy layers of clothing...i wish i could look that stylish all bundled your drawing!!! much love light and blessings~

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I adore this! Your color palette has such a charm to it. It reminds me a little of Ezra Jack Keats. I'm so glad I happened upon your work this morning. I'm a young illustrator emerging into the kids-illustration field, and sometimes I get discouraged by work I see coming out, because a lot of it doesn't seem as full of life as I wish it were. But yours was a treasure. Please keep it up, you're fantastic!


    WOWIE!!! The blog is rockin!

    I lOVELOVELOVELOVE everything here. Everything is so delicious. Yum yum yum yum!

    What eye candy you offer here. TSUP! TSUP!!!

  8. I love that!! It is so much fun! Really made me smile!

  9. Wow, loving the new header Vee. I'm sorry it's so cold where you are. Maybe it will decide to turn spring-like very soon. Love the new illustration too. She looks very warm in all of her layers. I've been missing your sunny comments Buttercup, but I know you are busy with work and keeping warm ;) XOXOXO!!!

  10. Love all her colorful layers! She look really warm and cozy this illustration remind me of the episode on the Cosby show when Rudy had on all those layers lol.

  11. Oh BABY!!! Hep-Cats in the header!!! WHOOOOO--HOOOOO!!!
    (I love it, in case you couldn't tell...)
    As to layers? I have been dressed like that all winter, except for the last three days, when it suddenly warmed, melted everything and now we're set for snow and rain.
    Be still my heart.
    Your drawing makes it look a whole lot more FUN than it has been my friend! ;-D

    Anne....who could pose for *Rolls* after all the food I've eaten this winter.....just sayin'....

  12. Teeeheeheee! It's the Michelin Man! Aaaaaahhhh, yes, yes, yes, I remember the layers. Heck, I'm wearing layers now and it's not NEARLY as cold here as it is there. Love those pom poms. You can rock those like no one else! And OOOOOooooh, great new header! Cool daddio! Is that you in the Jessie hat? Where'd you get one so big? I want one!

    Sending you loving warm vibes from your nose to your toes! XOXOXO

  13. Ah Vanessa this put a HUGE smile on my face this morning! Thanks for starting my day off with a big fat grin!! And I'm LOVING those kitty cats on your header... Lady Ming Ting is a crack-up!! :D You have a lovely weekend xo

  14. Fantastic illustration Vanessa!!!!
    Have a nice weekend!

  15. aha, beautiful dressed! Heavy?

  16. Absolute cuteness! Your illustrations are awesome!

  17. So cute, as always. What a great color scheme.

  18. Ahh! haha... This is so cute! I feel like doing this some days, but we've been having an alright winter here. I haven't taken to such drastic measures, but it ain't over yet! ;)

    I hope Spring comes to you soon, Vanessa. Hope all is well despite the cold weather! :D

  19. I love this piece but I absolutely am in love with your blog header! Too cute!

  20. It's simply wonderful! I can look at this all day. Utterly adorable!

  21. Hi Vanessa. Wonderful image! I'm in California but wearing just as many layers, I think. It's that time of year. :)

  22. As always you are an inspiration! Love the new banner and your layers illustration is delightful.
    Oh, I'm so happy I got to meet you in NY at the conference. It made my day!

  23. oh honey! i love her layers like superduper crazy! i'd love her as a dolly! & i may also need those layers, as i just learned we may get 18 inches of snow tonight! oi vey! xox

  24. Ohh, La, La, INDEED! Not only do I LOVE the new look of your blog but this little bundled up cutie is just adorable. Sorry Jersey is still so cold. The Carlolinas have been down right balmy this weekend. Wishing you all the best and happy creating.

  25. That's what it takes to survive a Minnesota Winter as well. Very cute!

  26. too cute!! her expression is so much fun! i love all the different patterns in the clothes! love your new banner too vanessa!

    i thought we were going to get out of winter early this year, most of our snow had melted and now we are getting 10-15 inches today. :( oh well i guess it is still february.

    hope you are well my friend!!

  27. Hi hi hi, this is soo sweet. She would be perfectly dressed for our , soon coming to be, Karneval. That´s a week of fancy dress madness and very popular in the west of m country.
    Have a great week

  28. She is so sweet! I love all her scarves!

  29. Ohhh, this is so cute! Now that is what you called bundled up! haha

  30. I love this! Such a great illustration and fun take on the topic! Diggin your new blog header:)

  31. oh la la Vanessa!!! I love your cute layers!!! what a wonderful piece....your work always makes me happy!!!! Hope you're having a marvelous weekend!!!


  32. How can you look at this and not smile? This is awesome. A great way to start my monday morning! :)

  33. Hooray!! I had the same idea as Miss Vanessa! (High five) May I share this wavelength?? What a thrill ride!

    Ooooo... I just LOVE her colors! She's just about ready for this week, I think. Did I hear (read) somewhere you moved? I wish you blissful happiness in your new home!

    Lovely new header-- you are just fab, my dear! Oh, and I saw you over on Melissa Saylor's blog-- two cuties hanging out together!

  34. Lol! I knew I would come here and be tickled to death! She's too adorable for words. You always capture the best moments of childhood! I know how you feel, it's cold here in PA too! Burrrr!

  35. Ooh la la once again! Amazing how you can get all those colors and patterns to look perfect together. And I adore your new header!! LOVE all the expressions and fashions. The little mouths on each of the cats slay me, as does Lady Ming Ting's hat with the veil. Thank you for another delicious post!

  36. Now that is what I call a timely illustration! Methinks my wife will be bundling up our 4yr old just like that later on today! Great work!

  37. Adorable piece!

    It's cold here, too but I just keep reminding myself that Spring is coming!! :O)

    Your work is SO charming and nostalgic. It takes me back to my childhood. Thank you for that!

  38. Awesome! Love the new masthead, too.

  39. This illustration made me smile :). Love your illustrating style.

  40. Hey Miss Vee! I love the new triple cat header! Especially the guy with the light:o) Wonderful work for layers. It's the on;ly way to keep warm here in Chicago!... and Jersey :o) Your work always brings a smile to my face...thanks. God bless you and your family and your work. I checked out your interview from the last inspiring! You are amazing. Can't wait to see what you've come up with for Bob Marley's daughter and his song. Congrats on the book you wrote too. looks like a wonderful story:o)

  41. Ooooooweee love the changes you made around here! So vibrant!!! And look at that sweet little girl!! CUTE!

  42. hehe just like me in winter, I wear dozens of layers too :D
    now it's summer here.
    Winter could be very inspiring, hope you enjoy it and keep making wonderful creations as this one, Vanessa :)
    *the new header is so much fun, cool cats ♥

  43. This character sure looks cozy warm! Great colors and lines!

  44. Vanessa..YOU'RE the bomb, really you are. WOW! Another awesome header first of all..I love it...these are some Cool cats I must say! And check out your wonderful that Zoe in layers of fabulous clothes. Oh my, I do hope you get some sun soon! You are such an inspiration to me, Nester, you really are. I'm sending you a big hug right now as you always know how to keep my spirits high. Life is busy these days..wishing I had more time to visit and illustrate...hoping to this week and then some. I am hoping all is going well with you and the big move!! xoxox to you!!

  45. Hahaha! My sentiments exactly!! It sure is freezing in the Northeast these days. Enjoying all those patterns and those elegantly cool cats in your new header. Fabulous, Vanessa!!!

  46. I'm always glad to visit- your blog is one cheerful surprise after another! This week is no exception, with this new cool and crisp vibe! Love the little pom poms on the beanie! Thanks for sharing a smile! :o)

  47. HAHA! Too true. I've been in the NJ/NY area during this time of year and I looked *exactly* like that. Ha! This reminds me of one of the early episodes of The Cosby Show, and well, anything that reminds me of The Cosby Show gets extra bonus points! :) ... Oh, and its an amazing, wonderful illustration. A great weekend to you!

  48. Lovely new banner, V :D And when I saw the illo all bundled up, I thought 'Is V. visiting Indiana'? But no, my friend S. (at megustaensalada) tells me NJ is just as bi"polar" lately as hickville IN!! Geesh. Where is spring?? Wishing you warmer days ahead (or at the very least some sunshine on your face!)
    Tara :)

  49. Is she still able to move around? That are a lot of layers!

    Great piece (and colorful - lovely).

  50. Love the layered look! Great illo again! and of course keep warm but you are inside already! :D
    Oh congrats on the New book! I saw your illo in the soon to be released! Oh so exciting!!!! and your new header is FABBULOUSSSS! hee hee

  51. It's terrific how you use the colors and patterns. And very funny.

  52. The Mummy Returns! This is fantabulous!


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