Tuesday, March 22, 2011


What do you do to cultivate creativity and imagination?
I would really like to know.
Have a creative week everyone!


  1. I don't supposed chasing my little blue bomber, Johnny, around the house counts as cultivating creativity, but it did cultivate some interesting words that sprung forth, especially after he found the clean laundry and decided it was a lovely *parakeet-potty*..... >:-[
    Seriously now---I look for odd things. Went to the tool store, got a bunch of quirky items. Go through magazines and rip out color combos, make quick scribbled notes when an idea/word/thought passes, crank up the Jazz and let the mind float. Take a walk and look at DETAILS. Drive with the moon roof open, music blaring and enjoy the colors and patterns of nature.
    Sometimes for me, it's shutting some of it off, and then closing myself off to create! ;-D
    And not sitting next to CERTAIN PEOPLE at church.....heehee!!!


  2. Usually it is enough to walk through life with open eyes and open heart.
    The problem, my problem, is not to have no inspiration, but to put my ideas on the canvas.
    I wish I had your talent, than this woul be much easier.
    Have a great day my friend

  3. Well,I really don't like giving away my trade secrets, but here goes: I stare at a blank piece of paper all day, until either an idea comes or my eyeballs fall out of my head.

  4. rest really helps me!
    & so does an inspiring outfit,
    like your dear girl here!

  5. great litle illo, v! how do cultivate creativity? trial and error, baby!

  6. My hubby gave me some fun index cards and asked me to write creative ideas on them when they came to mind. I then put them in a big container and draw one out when I'm feeling blah, or industrious (or anything in between!!) It helps me get motivated. :D

  7. I'll tell you what I sometimes do and that's to visit creative blogs like yours, and others, to get the creativity juices flowing. It always works. Have a great day tomorrow.

  8. I tend to visit a lot of art-related sites (like Behance), although lately I've been hooked on Tumblr.

    It's mostly about keeping my ears and eyes open just in case something out of the ordinary presents itself. :D

    (Off topic: What year did you start working on Read and Rise for Scholastic, please?)

  9. Ah! What a great prompt from a prompt! True to your wonderful form I love the colors and the joie de vivre! *I think I spelled that right?*
    Long walks with the dog, pouring over great catalogs, trusting my inner quirky voice, following other stellar illustrators, I also pray a lot...and thank God a lot for discovering this gift in me that brings me so much peace and satisfaction. I ask that he use me as his instrument to bring humor to the world and a smile to someones face & I will try harder to trust that he knows where I am going...

  10. This cutie looks like she's ready to take off to some fun places! I think I need to ask the question of y-o-u, first!
    Then, to be fair...I like to take walks with my pups, most mornings. The park, the beach or around the block, doesn't matter. Just getting out in the fresh air, and away from home, office, etc. shakes out the cobwebs and my mind wanders from there!
    Hope you're cultivating more delightfulness this week! :o)

  11. Lots of fab answers here already. For me: long walks; opening my eyes, ears and thoughts as I stride along. And relaxing. It often seems counter-intuitive that I can get more done (and better) when I relax, so I have to keep relearning that one. Ah, well. BTW, I love this illo, Vanessa. How do you cultivate your creativity??

  12. LOL!!! I love Ted's answer - hahahaha! Sorry, I got distracted. I read and I look at art. Then I do what Ted does. xox! Pam

  13. I get inspiration from your work! Love it!!


  14. A change of scenery usually helps me out, anything that shakes up the routine. A visit to your blog never hurts, either!!!! An adorable illustration.

  15. love the colors and her outfit is fab! have a wonderful week!

  16. Adorable illustration, Vanessa! Hmmm...I find inspiration from looking at artwork, playing/reading with my son, nature, washing the dishes (really!) and sometimes an idea just hits me like a bolt of lightening! xoxo

  17. Ah how cute!!! Its a fabulous idea and a great illustration!! Your work is always so fun and colourful I love it!

  18. i feel so inspired with artists like you that make me want to create wonderful things!
    Musicals movies soundtrack put me in the mood too!! ;-)

  19. Well just look at this gorgeous lil Butterfly Gal! She's delightful Vanessa! When I'm a bit stuck creatively, I like to walk away from my computer, get dirty in the garden or do some cooking in the kitchen. It's amazing how much clearer my head is after doing either of these things!

  20. Gorgeous little girl V!

    I cultivate my creativity by talking to, and reading the blogs of my many creative friends, like yourself. It's so great to feel a part of this community. (And hoping that some of everyone's skill will find it's way to me via osmosis. heehee!).

    Hope your well!!
    xxxooo Michelle

  21. Excellent. I tend to either go for a walk across the fields opposite or take a bus journey. Always with a pad and pencil cos I have terrible memory - what was the question again?

  22. She's too cute for words. Where can I buy those leggings/tights V?? LOL xoxo

  23. She is lovely! Love her little antennas.

  24. Wearing a tutu DEFINITELY helps the creativity!!! :)

  25. I should get an outfit just like that to help inspire me to get creative :) what another fun, fun piece! your work just smiles :)

  26. Heyyyyyyyyy! I just LOVE her frilly little skirt and those leggings. She is Super Cute! No, seriously, I'm sure that's her name because of the superhero cape. Ta daaaaa, it's Ssssssssssssuper Cute! Awwww, seeing happy art from fantastic people like you always gets my fingers itching for a pencil.


  27. This is what I do keep my imagination filled...
    Listen to podcasts, watch the sky, do my cards, light candles, blog, read blogs, write my affirmations, listen to my music and dance around wildly,
    watch my favorite tv shows, read books, practice my monologues.

  28. Hum... let's see:
    I go for a walk in the woods, castles and mystic places of an amazing village ner Lisbon called Sintra:



    I hear the sounds, observe the animals, take some pictures and I'm ready to create :)
    A walk downtown will do as well. Grafitti, people's faces, the way the dress, sounds it all inspire me.
    Of course, reading a book, watching a great movie, and listening to amazing music will do the trick as well :D

  29. Yeah Sintra is amazing, you should definitely come and visit, I'm sure you would love it - it's an ancient village built on the top of a mountain, you can notice middle eastern influences in the architecture all over Sintra, and there's luxuriant plant live everywhere you turn, lakes, castle ruins, royal palaces and stuff like that... the perfect place for a fairytale... you can even go for a ride in a chariot with real horses down town :d







  30. Playfully sweet and delightful. Love her attitude!

  31. I go to the P.D.F.J. church for inspiration.

  32. What a charmer! Cultivating creativity? Turning away from mind sucking "entertainment" and allowing my brain to make its own.


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