Friday, March 25, 2011

Toy Love

Cowboy Buck always picked fights just so he could
get all patched up by Miss Betty the windup doll.
Ain't toy love grand?
he he he he!
Have a fun weekend.


  1. That is gorgeous!! I always like popping over to your blog its so colourful and happy!!! Have a great weekend!!

  2. Teeeheeheee! Thank goodness toys don't feel the ouchies. Whew! I think Miss Betty's sweet on her tall cowboy, too. Love is great, any way you can get it!

    Have a faboooo weekend, dahling!

  3. Absolutely adorable and funny! Love the detail of her standing on the stool.

  4. I question that cowboy doll's sanity. Limb-loss seems a bit on the extreme side. Although, love has a way of making fools of us all.

    Very nice.

  5. Okay can tell where my mind is because I swear to you honey, I read the title of the post "Love Toy"...... ;-D
    (yeah, it's been one of THOSE days...)
    And this proves that male behavior, even in the realm of toys, differs not one whit from the realm of MAN. Bet he enjoys getting that LEG reattached!


  6. Super charming work! Love the cowboy's expression. Thanks for visiting my blog & glad to find yours. And guess what? I know Lori! She's awesome. You should tell her azita says hi. Small world, no? ;)

  7. Dude? Just buy her some flowers, and take her to dinner already! :D

    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. i like this! hehehe

  9. buck is so smart
    & i looove her stool! :)
    oh vanessa, YOUR art & you
    stand on such beauty. xox

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. sorry, I goofed up the last one...
    Sorry, I've been away darling Buttercup, too much on my plate to play in blog land so I missed your last post, well, I missed commenting on it anyway. This is really fun, I love that he's just patiently waiting to have his leg sewn back on. XOXOXO

  12. Oh, you are too much with these cute and clever toys! Such a delight to find this playful piece from you today! :o)

  13. I love your interpretation of the subject.
    My old toys look a bit like the little cowboy. I guess because of to much love hihi.
    have a great weekend my friend.

  14. Fantastic!!! I love your style...

  15. Hehehe! He’s lucky to have Miss Betty :o) At least he’s still got a leg to stand on when it comes to romance :o) This is great Vanessa.... I was contemplating “toy love” myself. God bless you and your family.

  16. I just love the way your brain works. Wonderful characters and an awesome concept!

  17. I knew I could come here and be tickled beyond belief! I adore it! But, I knew I would! I so adore your work, beautiful one!

  18. that's a handsome cowboy :)
    They look adorable together ♥

  19. This is adorable. Coming here is like having a trip back to childhood (without having to do homework and chores - hahaha!). You have a fabulous week, O Creative One! xox Pam

  20. I love how you managed to quietly insert a very adult, and cheeky, sense of humor into some of your work. As always the colors are fabulous and I love this take on the TOY theme. You are forever inspiring and a source of a smile for me.

  21. Love is grand! And so is this lovely piece! So wonderful! I love and appreciate how uplifting your artwork is. Thank you!

  22. ADORABLE!! Now I will enjoy my weekend!!

  23. Super cute as usual! Cowboy love *sigh*

  24. Funny. Hopefully someone knows how to sew!

  25. :D Awe and some!
    V.!!!!!!! how are you girl?
    How do you come up with these images and cool concepts? O love how your mind works, you're a genius :)

    Hugs hugs hugs from a very rainy Lisbon :)

  26. there are no words but thank you. truly you have made a difference and lifted spirits.
    I am off to daydream now. :)

  27. I LOVE it! LOVE it I tell you. When things are as they are, I can always count on coming to your blog for an awesome illustration and leave with a smile. You are awesome!

  28. This is so cool. You know how to take the loss of a limb and make it fun. HAHAHA...

  29. Ooh la la indeed! I havent seen this new layout, but I LOVE IT!! Sorry, I've been missing in action, but I'm back now! :) Check out my new updates! Happy Spring!

  30. A match made in toy heaven! Love!


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